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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I wonder if the SJW will raise hell over these young black men's cultural appropriation of wife beaters
  2. And this afternoon Attorney General Barr suggested Americans should accept Government backdoors into encryption because you know, national security and all. besides, all you're doing is consumer stuff, it's not like you're protecting nuclear codes or something https://techcrunch.com/2019/07/23/william-barr-consumers-security-risks-backdoors/
  3. 2 problems with this. First, I'm not a fan of the "make your name private" part. A petition like this needs verifiable signatures Second, even if Newsome, the DNC would rally behind him and there is no way a Republican could oust him. I kinda think this is might a trojan horse effort to strengthen Newsome by surviving a recall vote
  4. Sarah Palin drawing crosshairs on a map = inciting violence a public official Corey Booker threatening violence against the sitting President = And they wonder why people in flyover country are fed up
  5. To be fair, Bob Barr was a poor Libertarian nominee in 2008. I still voted for him however, since the other options were McCain and Obama
  6. After a football game, star player Nelson's father Snake offers to take him to Hooters, but why does Nelson decline?
  7. Dude's a crony capitalist (aka a crapitalist) that sucks up corporate welfare promising big ideas but delivering small, all the while building up his own cult of personality
  8. if we're counting out of town Channels, on a clear day Erie had like a dozen or so. The 5 local (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, PBS) plus whatever came thru from Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Cleveland, Youngstown, and London
  9. Can I Borrow a Feeling? What name did Moe give to the drink recipe that he stole from Homer?
  10. Mike Lee of UT is pretty consistent fiscal conservative too
  11. Rumor going around Reddit that Rockstar is working on an Arthur vs aliens DLC due later this year or early next. Also rumored to be working on remastering RDR1
  12. The signs aboard Red Dwarf are in 2 languages, English and what other language?
  13. Damn kids with that new fangled Fox Network and their cartoon with the rude pointy haired boy. It'll never last, amirite?
  14. I think it's the latter
  15. And do you wonder why nobody has seriously provoked the United States at sea or in the skies for the last 75 years?
  16. They do leave paw prints on our hearts
  17. Most of us have heard that Uranus smells like farts, but did you know there's poop on the Moon? https://www.space.com/weird-stuff-apollo-astronauts-left-moon.html
  18. No no no. That was not Zathras. That was Zathras.
  19. Any updates on this?
  20. What was the name of the alien that accomapnied Valen back in time
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