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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Now i'm craving a quarter pounder. There's a pawn shop on the way to the nearest mcdonalds, maybe i'll pick up some 5.56 on the way.
  2. Are you watching with volume or closed captioning? If closed captioning, is it just
  3. can we just throw lawn darts at it?
  4. oh yeah, that's right. i thought Coach beat the Bills. I guess the Bills last 20 years conditioned me to remember it being just another loss
  5. What team did Coach beat in the playoffs?
  6. https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-were-robespierres-pronouns-11564095088
  7. Which Seinfeld cast member appeared in which Star Trek series?
  8. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/07/att-loses-nearly-1-million-tv-customers-after-raising-directv-prices/ Sunday Ticket is the only thing keeping DirecTV on life support
  9. Polling within the margin of error, Yay!!!
  10. Crapitalists love the "Green Business" scam to qualify for Government subsidies, loan guarantees, and tax incentives, then run up a bunch of debt before declaring bankruptcy
  11. Francis trying to score points with a jab at Ted Cruz, but Cruz with an awesome riposte
  12. 14 months from now during the Trump vs DemNominee debates, I want to see the moderator follow up after a few of the Democrats #orangmanbadraysis rants or Trump's tantrums with something like "My Mom used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say about somebody, don't say anybody at all. You've spent months and millions of dollars saying not nice things about one another. But what do you agree on? What are your opponents endearing qualities?"
  13. What was the name of the Bundy's dog? And what celebrity voiced the dog's thoughts?
  14. I didn't get a chance to watch any of it this afternoon, but from what I've read the response from the Right is While the Left is mixed between and
  15. What's awesome is people wanted the accused prosecuted for what they allegedly said, even though there is no law against saying what they were accused of But now that the situation has changed and the accuser has likely filed a false police report, which is a criminal offense, meh. don't worry about filing charges
  16. Yes but her father was possessed by "Bob", who went on to possess Agent Cooper in the series finale.
  17. S4 should definitely throw out some reference to the movie Lucas (Ryder's theatrical debut) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas_(film)
  18. Ohio St, Oklahoma, Clemson, Alabama. Clemson vs Alabama in championship game CFP just recycles the same four programs year after year with occasional appearances from Notre Dame and Georgia, or maybe a B1G cameo from Penn St/Michigan/Sparty/Wisconsion
  19. Could also go with the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion or Haley's Comet. And no member berries of 1986 America would be complete without somehow including
  20. This thread has become very Simpsons and Seinfeld heavy So who killed Laura Palmer?
  21. not a single scandal nor a smidgen of corruption
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