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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Wait, he's going to fire Tony Shalub and replace him with the guy from Police Academy?
  2. With the shuttering of barber shops across America, could the Coronavirus usher in a return of the mullet?
  3. Yeah you do sound like their red headed step child. This might be a good time to raise the issue with your employer. As an IT guy, I suggest you emphasize the security benefit and reduced external bandwidth of you having to pull what sounds like large data files across the Internet
  4. But it's still an excuse to buy something
  5. Fair enough. If you are doing mathematically complex calculations on the data sets you will need a higher end CPU. Now lets back up. You mentioned that you will be connecting via Citrix. I have no idea whats on the back end in your data center, so this is an outsider observation. Rather than rely on an individual workstation, or multiple workstations, to perform complex mathematical calculations on data sets stored locally on each workstation, can your Citrix admin create a virtual machine within the Citrix environment? You would connect to the VM via Citrix. The VM would be using the servers CPU and RAM. You would not have to upload/download data across the Internet and your data would be more secure as the storage never leaves the data center.
  6. For spreadsheets and Citrix you don't need a beast. Check out Dell or HP for a cookie cutter dekstop or laptop. Avoid Lenovo unless you want your activities phoned home to the People's Republic of China As previously stated, at least 16GB or RAM and a SSD for your system disk. There are faster disks on the market called M2 drives, but you have to watch the specs. Some M2 drives run on the SATA bus, which will perform no better than an SSD. An M2 drive that runs via PCIe will run significantly faster The OP mentioned this computer would be used to work from home. So excuse me a second while I slip into my IT Nazi uniform... Check with your employer if they require any disk encryption on work computers. They may require a secondary disk (either fixed or USB) be encrypted for work related files. If they require the system disk be encrypted, increase your budget because disk encryption eats up system resources
  7. President Biden would expedite delivery of the checks by using a mimeograph.
  8. First, the Mayor of New is not in the military chain of command. So he asked them, not told them Second, the US Military domain is not the civilian sector. Third, the US Military probably does not have a spare 1000 nurses, 150 doctors, and 300 respiratory therapists
  9. As long as I have a face, Chanel Rion has somewhere to sit
  10. Considering the history between China and Korean, can you blame ROK for not taking China at their word?
  11. Candace Owens considering a run for public office According to Wiki, she lives in Connecticut. Not sure she could win any offices there, but if she relocated to a swing district in NY or a Red State she could win. If she got her foot in the system and a national platform, she could be the destruction of the Democrat's chokehold of the black vote. And possibly the first black female President
  12. Key sentence The clerk retreated to a position of safety and returned to confront the assailants. The assailants were attempting to flee the scene and no longer a physical threat to the clerk.
  13. FBI reports record 3.7 Million background checks in the month of March https://news3lv.com/news/nation-world/gun-background-checks-smash-records-amid-coronavirus-fears
  14. People still read magazines The last magazine I bought holds 30 rounds
  15. James Woods and Adam Baldwin should team up for a podcast
  16. China won't pay for it. But I wonder how much of this $2T will be used to buy goods and material from the regime responsible for starting this clusterf*ck
  17. No offense, but if you remember December 8th, 1941, you're pretty freakin old
  18. If the Bills make the playoffs, they'll probably get stuck with the Nickelodeon game Yeah seriously, check it out. Somehow Nickelodeon scored an NFL playoff game
  19. If YoU rEaLlY wAnT 2 mAkE uR pOiNt WrItE iN mIxEd CaSe FtW
  20. I got a good chuckle out of the Madrigal board meeting with the fake restaurant names...Luftwaffle
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