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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. i don't really buy the Millenial thing starts with 1980. i have a friend born in the early 80s that commented on the early 80s mark for millenials and was like "f*ck it, i don't want to be a millenial. i hate millenials"
  2. Give Van Pelt a shot
  3. Unisex But there are 7545776457868976 genders! Your zir, are worse than a super mecha literal hitler nazi!
  4. https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-7-timebomb-with-less-than-six-months-until-support-ends-76-of-nhs-computers-not-yet-on-windows-10/
  5. The Left no longer cares about due process. They only care about virtue signalling and "cancelling" the offender
  6. A few years ago I had a black coworker that said he keeps a copy of Skynyrds Greatest Hits in his car in case he ever gets pulled over. The sound of Free Bird might help put a white cop in a better mood
  7. I'd accept a loss to the Fitzy led Dolphins, if that game convinces the Dolphins front office to give Fitzy his traditional big Fitzcontract before falling off the Fitzcliff
  8. Especially in places like Baltimore where leaving home exponentially increases one's chance of being murdered on the street
  9. Even DirecTV agrees with you. They launched a satellite a year or two and some AT&T big wheel said that it was likely the last satellite DTV would ever launch. Cable companies that are also Internet Service Providers (such as Spectrum and Cox) have started their own streaming services for customers like me that have Internet but not a cable subscription The "last mile" of service is what costs cable and satellite providers the most. The cost of labor, parts, vehicles, and fuel adds up fast. Cable/Satellite providers can eliminate the "last mile" of service by delivering their content over the Internet. The customer provides the delivery thru a third party (Internet) and the customer provides all of the necessary equipment (Roku, Firestick, etc). Enjoy the days of cheap streaming services while you can. It will soon go the way of the VCR as well All the big media production companies are getting into the streaming business and in the process have been pulling their content from Netflix, Prime, Hulu, Vue, etc. Eventually we are going to need accounts for each.
  10. Multiverse
  11. So communists and race baiters are fine by the DNC. But mixing ranch and salsa, that's just wrong?
  12. looks like some morons might really want to give it a try https://apnews.com/082c5d117bc44cf79a4891212e100f5e The USAF has an opportunity for some great PR with this. Put together a motivational video on Youtube... These are AH64 Apaches (show a flyover of Apaches). Each Apache is armed with a 30 mm M230 chain gun. This is what a 30mm chain gun will do to a person. Set up a series of sci-fi targets in the desert: grey aliens, Klingons, Kodos & Kang, Cylons, etc... Apache's also carry a compliment of Hellfire missiles. For those planning to storm Area 51 by vehicle (cut to Imperial Walker targets) This is an M18 Claymore. This is what an M18 Claymore does (blow up an Imperial Storm Trooper). You won't see them, but they're out there... This is an M107. This is what an M107 does (shoot a Gorn). The M107 effective range is up to 2,000 yards. For you metric system types, that's almost 2 kilometers Cut to 1950s footage of atomic tests. This is an atomic test. Several of these were conducted in this area decades ago. Some radioactive materials have half lifes in the thousands of years For those who still feel bold enough to take on the challenge, we would like to thank you for volunteering for this upcoming live fire drill
  13. What was the dogs name on Frasier
  14. wanna bet which one of us TSW rides out of town first?
  15. some guy with a really long name?
  16. Then in 2016 the Super Delegates forgot what a terrible candidate HRC was, which was why they abandoned her in 2012
  17. few things are as universal across all languages and cultures as taco tuesday
  18. The actress who played Coach's love interest was a child star on what 50s TV series?
  19. Paid for by bipolitical PAC and run by Kyle Frenette and Christopher Moon, the concert campaign is “[p]rimarily designed to target voters in the swing states that went to Trump in 2016... 46 for 46 entails recruiting artists who either hail from or live in those states — or who at least have some association with them — to play one or more concerts on their home turf in the critical months leading up to the election.” Frenette said he wants to promote the message that “Democracy can only work if we all participate,” but clearly Republicans and other Trump supporters are discouraged from participating. If they go ahead with something like that: James Hetfield, Uncle Ted, Kid Rock, Kanye, and I'm sure there are plenty of Country artists out there who could put together a series of Pro Trump events. Call it Trumpstock
  20. Notice how the chants are in English and not Chinese? It's almost like the people who have lived under both the Anglo/Western and Chinese systems are making a statement which they prefer
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