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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Tim Ryan has a better shot at picking up votes in Western PA. Steve Bullock isn't bat schitt crazy (or at least hasn't gone BSC yet), which plays well in the rust belt. Biden's "political ties" to PA could haunt him as it paints him as a career politician Gotta remember that PA isn't a single political culture. Philly is an East Coast city. Pittsburgh and Erie are midwest. Pennsyltucky is, well Pennsyltucky. Agree that as goes PA, so goes the Electoral College
  2. It's not difficult Create an account on the streaming services website Download the app/channel on your device Open the app/channel and log in with the account you just created
  3. Biden might pick up a handful of votes around Scranton, but do you really think people Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Altoona, Harrisburg, or the Philly suburbs give two schitts about somebody that moved out of the state in the 1950s? I've got stronger ties to PA and at least lived there during this millennium. Maybe the Democrats should nominate me
  4. i pee before i get in the shower but if nature calls for an encore, i have no compunction letting it flow
  5. America never thought we'd get this excited to watch Matt Schaub
  6. gonna enjoy the locker room and twitterverse meltdown after a few games with peterman while juju is lighting it up
  7. that nbc snf theme music getting me pumped up
  8. I just saw the trailer for Captain Kirk's latest endeavour. He's doing commercials for CPAP cleaning supplies Picard is going back into space Advantage: Picard
  9. 6 year old thread that hasn't been touched in 2 and a half years
  10. is that some code word for tossing his salad?
  11. The Democrats closing statement
  12. And if the Dems keep things up, those voters will remember why the went for Trump in 2016 Gotta love the "you people" paraphrasing
  13. it's difficult to think back in time on older systems why it would run slower than molasses. but the first thing that comes to mind is figuring out if something is eating up system resources. on any commercial PC like HP or Dell, you've got a bunch of factory loaded crapware and bloatware. get rid of all that nonsense. if you're comfortable enough with computers (and not afraid to void your warranty), download the latest Windows image from Microsoft and do a fresh install. Or if you're feeling adventurous, give Linux a try
  14. On the Intel, the 4-4.9ghz is the "boosted" speed, which you'll only get if you overclock. The base speed is actually 2.8ghz. the amd base is 3.6 without an overclock. Overclocking isn't something you'd use on a basic home PC The AMD therefore has the higher base clock but the AMD has 4 cores while the Intel has 6. A core is the number of processors per chip. So the AMD has 4x 3.6ghz processors and the Intel has 6x 2.8Ghz processors. That doesn't mean the AMD has a ~15Ghz processor and the Intel has a ~17Ghz processor. It means that your applications and background programs need to use the CPU, there are 4 available on the AMD running at 3.6ghz vs 6 available on the Intel running at 2.8Ghz
  15. Ryzen vs Intel Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS vs Debian/Ubuntu Picard vs Kirk We can nerd out and debate the details all day, but in the end it's a matter of preference. I've been price shopping parts for a new gaming rig for a few months but had never quite been ready to pull the trigger. Until the latest Ryzens came out I was going to go for an i9-9900 or 9920. But after seeing what AMD pulled off, I"m gonna make the switch. If I could only find somewhere that isn't sold out of the 3900x (tho now I'm contemplating waiting for the 3950x to come out)
  16. I must have missed that when I glanced over the OPs specs Older M2s run on the SATA bus and newer on the PCIx. The above probably runs on SATA
  17. SSD run about 500MBs on the SATA Bus Optane uses an M2 drive. M2 drives do about 3GBs on the PCIx bus
  18. The AMD has 12GB of system memory The Intel has 8GB of system memory. But wait, there's more! The Intel also has 16GB Optane Memory, which is like a bridge between memory and your hard drive. Optane is a very high speed flash drive that the system mirrors important and frequently used files from the main drive, so that when you're booting up the computer or running applications it is accessing the high speed Optane drive rather than the slow traditional hard drive
  19. i5 until about a month ago I would have told you that an Intel chip would always outperform the same generation AMD chip. But AMD just released new Ryzen 3700x and 3900x chip that closed the gap with the i9. I"ve been trying to get my hands on a 3900x but they're always sold out. At this rate I may end up just waiting until the 3950x comes out in September (16 core 32 thread gaming goodness
  20. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/07/att-kills-directv-now-brand-name-as-tv-subscribers-leave-in-droves/
  21. Democrats celebrate 400 years of American Democracy by shouting down and refusing to engage people of another party.
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