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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Earlier this week I had a conversation with some friends that with Dayton and El Paso dominating the 24 hour news cycle, I would not be surprised if Eppstein would "hang himself" or succumb to a previously un-diagnosed medical condition I was half joking and half serious.
  2. Wired Ethernet > WiFi If you do any gaming or download alot of stuff, run CAT6 behind your TV or to your PC. For streaming TV, WiFi works for now. a 720 or 1080 resolution stream won't have any problem on WiFi provided you have a strong signal. But when 4k and 8k streams become a thing, they're going to eat up alot more bandwidth
  3. Yeah, about that https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-removes-office-2019-from-its-home-use-program-benefits/
  4. I'm an IT worker with no kids. I don't know too much about Nickelodeon or keeping kids entertained. But I do know how to set up high priced electronics that are shipped in big cardboard boxes. I also have friends with kids. And those kids love big cardboard boxes. Seriously. Give a kid a 6ftx3ft cardboard box, and you've got a space ship
  5. https://www.libreoffice.org/ And while you're at it, take a look at https://xubuntu.org/ https://www.centos.org/ https://www.archlinux.org/
  6. But seriously, you're looking at like $1600 each.
  7. Rather than asking No Guns or More Guns, I'm asking myself X95 Tavor or PS90
  8. Lonely on The Lock?
  9. This is indeed a dilemma Top half human, bottom half fish Pros: human face. boobs. can give blowies. ability to speak when you're in the mood for conversation Cons: No human girl parts. No legs means you have to help transport when on shore. ability to speak when you're not in the mood for conversation Top half fish, bottom half human Pros: Human girl parts. Can't speak Cons: Has legs so she can follow you around. No hands so she can't make you sammich. No human face or boobs, so it's going to be all doggyfish style
  10. Of course, he needs to protect himself from Les Deplorables that shouldn't own guns
  11. With a name like Bottoms he is going to be real popular in The Slammer
  12. Leviticus 20:21 If a man has marital relations with his brother’s wife, it is indecency. He has exposed his brother’s nakedness; they will be childless. 500 years ago these contradictory Bible passages set in motion events that shaped the world we live in
  13. Dunno, but I do know that you cannot un-invent the gun. Confiscation of 300+ million firearms is a pipe dream, and a bloody one at that. Prohibition on the sale of new firearms will fail and only create an underground market (see also the prohibition of alcohol in the 20s or current prohibition on illegal narcotics)
  14. how many pages of "because they're an idiot" have you written?
  15. Doing something for the sake of doing something is not a viable solution to any problem
  16. Two problems with this. First, from our time together on PPP you know I ain't into that whole Yay Free Stuff! socialist sh*t Second, from a security perspective public/open WiFi is horribly insecure. Seriously, consider this a public service announcement.
  17. Yeah how's that working out https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/06/30/new-zealand-struggles-to-enforce-gun-control-law/
  18. That as a resident of a blue state represented twice on the list above (Virginia), I should take proactive steps to protect myself.
  19. According to Wiki, the 25 deadliest mass shootings in the US are https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shootings_in_the_United_States Mass shootings since the "Assault Weapons" ban sunset in the early 2000s: Swing state mass shootings Orlando, FL Parkland, FL Pittsburgh, PA Red state mass shootings Sutherland Springs, TX El Paso, Tx Santa Fe, TX Geneva County, AL Blue state mass shootings Las Vegas, NV Virginia Tech Sandy Hook, CT San Ysidro, CA San Bernadino, CA Binghamton, NY Aurora, CO Washington Navy Yard Thousand Oaks, CA Virginia Beach, VA
  20. it would force a lot of water thru the Mighty Meadissippi
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