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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. David Johnson was available but the Cards OL worries me too. And they've got a rookie QB
  2. Posting my response as a music video because the bad word censor would block the title and because the song is awesome
  3. I do love me some Bojangles fries
  4. McCaffrey I was at #6 as well and took LeVeon.
  5. so if the vatican has been hiding child sex abuse for centuries and if the vatican has been hiding the existence of extra terrestrial life for as long, if not longer is the vatican also hiding the sexual abuse of children by extra terrestrials? is earth some kind of intergalactic eppstein island?
  6. you touched yourself in a naughty way
  7. even if you get all the buffalo back inside their fence, the gators can still get to them https://www.kswo.com/2019/08/19/run-alligators-can-climb-fences/
  8. just for giggles, lets see what's censored dick van *****
  9. At least Prince Andrew's squeeze looks like she's old enough to drive. Epsteins piece looks barely pubescent
  10. Pennyworth Origin series for Batman's Butler
  11. Warren always struck me as one of those overly judgemental great-aunts you hope not to talk to at Christmas or Thanksgiving.
  12. Tibs is for whoever he is told to be for
  13. Lee is an English name Asians with a surname of Lee had ancestors that either emigrated to the United States or lived in an area under British colonial rule. These ancestors had names that sounded like "Lee" so their name was recorded in English as "Lee"
  14. the hammer and sickle are just a fashion accessory but then again so are their plastic Walmart 22s
  15. 3 takeaways from that Tweet 1. The message: Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly. 2. The optics If you believe so strongly that your position is ethical and logical, why hide your face? 3. The guns WTF are those? 22 Hi-Points from Walmart? Man up and buy an AR15
  16. if CK is willing to accept the league minimum for an invitation to training camp to compete for a #3 or possibly #2 QB job, I don't have a problem with anyone bringing him in. if CK feels entitled to a starting QB position in the NFL because he's Colin Kaepernick and the world owes him for perceived oppression, f*ck him. Bring in somebody else willing to work and make a contribution
  17. your cartoon is offensive to women who do not have a ***** to itch *edit: Really???? v*gina is censored?
  18. some dudes like chicks with d*cks. there's probably a rule #34 about it. from the poll referenced, I'd put that number at around 2% For the rest of us 98%, we prefer women with vaginas
  19. I can't hear Land of the Rising Sun without thinking of the ending of Casino I can't hear Layla without thinking of the scene from Goodfellas where they start finding the bodies I can't hear Don't Stop Believing without thinking about the ending of Sopranos
  20. Casino Lord of the Rings
  21. Fundamentally transforming America
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