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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. We also have the worst diet and several cities that are almost war zones But don't let those silly details get in the way of your Narrative
  2. You can cut the head off a chicken and it will still run around You can cut CNN's Narrative off with facts but they'll still run with it
  3. Crystal Blue Apparation
  4. wow Glad i didn't draft in in FFL
  5. Leftists: Take a punch in defense of your superiors Everyone else: Stand up for yourself
  6. depends if you live in northern california
  7. I was going to give it a try yesterday but when I got there, the drive thru line was wrapped around the building. maybe sometime next week
  8. How's your wife and my kids?
  9. lotta white people from california in that picture
  10. I lost my Mom to Cancer and saw what a late stage recurrent Cancer can do. RBG has more important things to consider than SCOTUS at this point
  11. I heard DC Tom sleeps with a James T Kirk man shaped pillow
  12. I lost my Mom to Cancer several years ago and from what we went thru with her, when the Cancer returns it returns with a vengeance. And it spreads to other areas. And it keeps spreading
  13. Going for $50+ on Amazon resellers I found it yesterday on Target for only $20 but didn't buy it. Went back this morning to make the purchase but it no longer available. It wasn't sold out or anything. The webpage had been removed. I went into my browser history and poof, like a fart in the wind
  14. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
  15. Jimmy Kimmel aka "America's Conscience"
  16. watch the eyes at the 10s mark
  17. Speaking of The Matrix, that reminds me of an article I read awhile back that 1999 was the last great year of cinema http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20190806-was-1999-cinemas-last-great-year The argument is that 1999 was the last year with several great original screenplays: Fight Club, The Matrix, American Beauty, The Sixth Sense, American Pie, Three Kings, Election, Being John Malkovich, Magnolia, The Blair Witch Project, and Office Space Unfortunately 1999 is also the year it all went down hill with the release of Star Wars, Episode I, The Phantom Menace and Toy Story 2. Hollywood saw how much bank both made and started moving away from taking a risk on original content and towards recycling known intellectual properties Hence we are know on The Matrix 4. Star Wars Episode IX, countless reboots and re-imaginings of DC & Marvel characters, and how many Transformers or Lego movies?
  18. Not just a shouting match...two shouting matches
  19. 78 during the day 82 at night http://www.fox5ny.com/news/federal-energy-program-suggests-keeping-thermostat-set-at-78-degrees-82-while-you-sleep f*ck that 72
  20. Canadian Football
  21. i thought this was going to be a thread about somebody's preferred gender neutral pronoun
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