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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. it's not over until they pair up danny barefoot with stormy daniels
  2. what are like a shaolin monk or something
  3. https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2019/08/26/get-ready-for-apocalypse-ruth-n2552156
  4. cable news channels are no different than the home shopping network. both are trying to sell something to their viewers. caveat emptor
  5. Only if you consider CNN and MSNBC to be a news network. They're not so nutty if you recognize that they've stopped being news networks and became 24 hour infomercials for the DNC
  6. Haters gonna hate
  7. 500 million, that had to been some ickiest of stickiest ickies
  8. A man with nothin aint got nothin to lose
  9. And then there's the SWTOR universe in which your color crystal is only dependent upon which option you select after giving EA money
  10. i would perform a great public service by offering to undergo as many scientific tests as necessary to prevent invisibility from ever falling into the creepy clutches of joe biden
  11. The Bad News is Omar is now a homewrecker The Good News is at least there's very low probability of ***** https://nypost.com/2019/08/27/my-husband-dumped-me-for-rep-ilhan-omar-dc-mom-says-in-divorce-filing/ *edit really? inc*st is blocked?
  12. If this doesn't work out, she could always go back to coaching the Mighty Ducks
  13. IIRC natural light sabre crystals give a blue or green color (unless you're samuel l jackson). the jedi controlled to crystal mines so the sith had to synthesize their own crystals, which had a red hue
  14. You can't bring me down
  15. Look on the bright side. You can redirect your time and energy from this crusade into the UFO thread
  16. Andrew Luck's unexpected retirement means you can redirect your time and energy from that crusade into this one ?
  17. Or until the Democrats control the White House
  18. Miami vs Florida was a sloppy but entertaining kickoff The West Coast night cap, Arizona vs Hawaii was a first half shootout But the real fun starts next weekend
  19. Maybe the $100k a year serf in Silicon Valley should #learntofarm
  20. If she didn't like Hippies, too bad she didn't live long enough to experience Millenials
  21. Not just 'the poor' have an unhealthy diet. Fast food, junk food, and processed foods cause alot of America's health problems across social strata. And 'the poor' in the United States are better fed than most of the rest of the world Law Enforcement cannot bring 'order' to the problem cities for several reasons. Chief among these is the failed "War on Drugs". Prohibition leads to black markets. Black markets lead to turf wars. Turf wars lead to violence Another is a culture treating LEO as 'the enemy' rather than respecting the service they provide to the general public
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