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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Absolutely not fake news. Have you tried to buy ammo lately? 5.56 is like 50 cents a round, if you can find it
  2. I had to Google what Harlan looks like. He's a great radio announcer and I had know idea what he looks like
  3. How bad does this have to suck for Joe Burrow, Chase Young, and all the high first round draft picks? They've spent their lives up to this point working towards that moment when their name is announced and they walk out onto that stage and Goodell hands them that jersey. Now they're getting Zoom or Skype time
  4. Same here. I love watching some ABC/ESPN College Football games with this pair, but I'm not sure how well their game translates to the NFL. Part of what makes Herbie and Fowler so great at College Football is they genuinely seem to love the game. Part of what makes ESPN MNF so bad recently is the NFL and ESPN have been pushing Narratives, on and off the field, that their announcers have had to frame the game in terms of. That and the ESPN MNF on air crew is what, about a dozen or so personalities counting the pregame and halftime clowns they have to squeeze in at some point
  5. You can get Fedora for free https://getfedora.org/
  6. Per the CDC, 2,813,503 Americans died last year. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm That averages to 54,000 deaths per week
  7. RIP P*ssy Galore https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/james-bond-honor-blackman-*****-galore-dead-94
  8. https://www.heraldmailmedia.com/news/nation/us-expands-navy-presence-in-caribbean-is-military-action-against-maduro-more-likely/article_9179f430-24d6-5870-956f-e2d525ba2e33.html
  9. To be fair to SJL and Turner, those masks are not comfortable to people unaccustomed to wearing them. I wore one a few days ago and found myself pulling it down past my nose a few times
  10. Thats because MSM producers aren't as concerned with facts, details, and truth as they are with advancing their Narrative
  11. https://www.theamericanmirror.com/2020/04/video-chillingly-real-deepfake-of-hillary-as-imprisoned-hannibal-lecter/
  12. My suspicion is this story is being leaked from within the DNC in case they have to replace Biden
  13. stupid and annoying, but damn she's got nice breasts
  14. But can Tibs still make that extra scratch by folding the laundry, or is that in violation of social distancing?
  15. I see what you did there
  16. spoken like a political hack with little to no understanding of military structure
  17. You do know that. Nevermind, forgot for a second who I was responding to But anyways, for those that are unsure of the military chain of command, the President has no direct action on who is placed in command or removed from command of any ship or installation. Crozier's removal was ordered within the Navy's chain of command From a civilian perspective, Crozier's actions seem admirable. But the military has standards not applicable to the civilian world. Contact with the media is prohibited unless approved within the chain of command. But more importantly, from an OPSEC perspective, Crozier just announced to the world that CVN71 is out of commission. If Russia, China, or South Korea wanted to try something, they have confirmation that a major asset of American military and diplomatic policy is not in play. Crozier did the wrong thing, but for the right reason.
  18. TIL the oldest known F-Bomb dates to 1568 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8189047/Worlds-earliest-record-F-word-discovered-manuscript-written-bored-Scottish-student.html That's a long f*cking time ago
  19. yeah i'd like to return this toilet paper...slightly used
  20. okay, this one is for the old skoolers like me on this board. when i read this thread title, it kinda reminded me of an all time TSW classic
  21. and may the fourth be with you
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