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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Stacey's mom has got it going on
  2. @ExiledInIllinois flashing his trademark wrongness on just about every subject. Never heard Planet Claire before. I'm more of a Planet Caravan kind of guy
  3. On the topic of music, one of my memories of Sept 11 2001 is that it was the release date of an album that I wanted to buy (and would buy a few days later when things had calmed down). It was a Slayer album on 9/11/01, ironically titled God Hates Us All https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_Hates_Us_All
  4. With B out of the way, I wonder what they could have for the letter C...
  5. well sh*t, one of my cherished childhood memories has now been deemed raysis/sexist/transphobic and must now be flushed down the memoryhole
  6. They stopped being journalists a long time ago and are now 24 hour infomercials for the DNC
  7. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/09/09/cnns_climate_debate_hurts_the_democrats_it_tried_to_help_141204.html This could have gone either here or the climate change hoax thread, but i put it here because i didn't want to interrupt @GaryPinC takedown of tibs. since most of us have tibs on ignore, it's been entertaining watching someone try to engage our village idiot
  8. can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, amirite?
  9. I have two observations on the issue. First this story is from Tampa which makes him a Florida man. 'nuff said Second observation, from the article He is also transsexual and is considering changing his gender as well. Which makes him a white man inside a Filipina.. I can actually relate to this, as a white man that has been inside a few Filipinia's
  10. and technically we're in first place in the AFCE
  11. it would be nice if Fox cut from this blowout over to the SF/TB game which is competative But it's the Cowboys so the Fox and the NFL will milk it down to 00:00
  12. Now it's the Climate Apocalypse https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/what-if-we-stopped-pretending As beliefs in monotheistic religion declines the zealots have found somewhere else to place their faith
  13. As ugly as that game was most of the day, the refs may have just been trying to hasten an end to their misery
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