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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. You people (Canadians) sound very strict
  2. When I'm on my deathbed, TSW/PPP will be the furthest thing from my mind. I'll be focusing on more important thoughts, like how differently things might have gone if I hadn't rolled a 6 on that epic gear dropped by the Lich King
  3. The "Tech Baby" mother from Fansville, especially when she does that "oops" look.
  4. one of the cardinal rules of gun safety, always keep those things pointed in a safe direction
  5. You know why people are fed up with the Left, because of nonsense like this https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/10/03/1557215/stack-exchange-removes-moderator-for-preferred-pronouns-policy For those unfamiliar with Stack Exchange, it's basically a question and answer message board. So somebody went to a Q&A website, got offended because of a wrong "personal pronoun", and had somebody who answers questions removed You will be made to care Forward!
  6. The reason right wingers watch SNL is because they want an excuse to be outraged The reason left wingers watch SNL is for positive self reinforcement Nobody watched SNL because it's funny
  7. http://news.trust.org/item/20191001094110-0o7wr
  8. I wonder how many would rather return to British control
  9. Historians: When was the last time Congress spent 3+ years trying to overturn a lawful election?
  10. With the exception of Gabbard, who is fighting her own battle against the DNC Establishment, how many of that list are in swing districts that Trump won?
  11. Neither It only brought to the surface what had already been festering
  12. Got that backwards champ R voters liked Trump. The party establishment hated him and pushed for Jeb! D voters liked Bernie. The party establishment rigged the system for Hiliary
  13. How'd that work out for youin 2016
  14. https://mashable.com/article/amazon-alexa-samuel-jackson-privacy/
  15. None of the gay people I know boycott Chik-Fil-A nor do they give a thought to this nonsense The only people who boycott Chik-Fil-A are woke leftists that wake up in the morning and check the Internet to see what they're supposed to be angry about
  16. Would you say Kamala is going down? Or that she blew it?
  17. RB: Kenyon Drake vs LAC or Miles Sanders @ GB WR Pick 2: Calvin Ridley vs TEN, Tyler Boyd @ PIT, Larry Fitzgerald vs SEA
  18. turned out the correct move was to bench ridley, which i didn't. rodgers and allen was essentially a push
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