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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. On a side note, a Google search of "Chelsea Clinton thanks Haiti" did not find the above meme. Had to go use DuckDuckGo to find it. It's almost like somebody wants memes like this disappeared from the Internet...
  2. That's assuming POTS distribution node still has power But yeah, Ma-Bell is sending out quite a bit of free electricity. Even if you're not a subscriber
  3. Another difference, women will spend $300 on a pair of shoes. Men are more practical and spend $300 on a thousand rounds of 556
  4. ObiTalk 200: $70 on Amazon Google Voice: Free No monthly phone bill Free long distance Free voicemail Free texting Unknown callers are greeted by "Please state your name for the Google Voice subscriber" before connecting. This trips up most robo-dialers and telemarketing call centers Sure the NSA and Google are listening, but so are your land line providers
  5. Because America is so divided among party lines, one of the few things both sides can actually agree on is that farts are funny
  6. .
  7. You should be proud of yourself Gary. It takes alot of courage to show the world how Rule #34 applies to you
  8. Google, Apple, and most carriers have a built in app to find lost phones but you have to enable Location services (which alot of people turn off) I lost my phone once and Google's app found it within like a 10 yard radius
  9. He spent the last 3 years talking out of his ass
  10. Thanks for clearing that up. Otherwise Stacy Abrams might think she's in charge of it
  11. Wyoming needs to get in on this too
  12. And in the Bay Area, Feces Guard
  13. I disagree At least AOC has some comedic value. The other two are just a pair of royal, see you next tuesdays
  14. Which is ironic considering that several online media outlets push Imeachment stories to the top of my feed or in Yahoo's case sends me an email about it. It's almost like they're telling me what I'm supposed to think
  15. That campaign needs some celebrity endorsements.
  16. Looks like buck tooth Yugo
  17. In 1019 Cnut The Great is remembered as one of England's greatest Monarchs. In 2019 Prince Andrew is a joke. And a pedophile who sweats alot
  18. Sounds like a great time to play some Grand Theft Auto
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