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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. But was Ragnar Lothbrok an alien? The answer is potentially maybe
  2. Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs, amirite?
  3. Bojangles has good fries Their chicken is on par with KFC
  4. Americas drift towards feudalism
  5. I'll watch it for closure, but last season started to bother me when I did the math and Lagertha was like 105 years old and Bjorn was like 90
  6. You know what Kaepernick has in common with Jay Cutler? Both are washed up QB no team would ever want to play in an NFL game You know what I have in common with Jay Cutler? Dont care
  7. What about womyn? I find your lack of wokeness to be mysoginexst you raysis litrally Hitler transphoblican
  8. As long as I have a face, Melania Trump has somewhere to sit
  9. Gonna have to start a FA at RB this week, should I pick up Miles Sanders vs Seattle Derrius Guice vs Detroit Bo Scarborough at Washington
  10. People who know me, know to text rather than call. With the exception of my Dad, who is so old school he always leaves a voice mail (or as he calls it the answering machine) if I don't answer
  11. I have two third hand accounts of working at Amazon (both friends of friends/coworkers) One friend of a friend worked in some kind of grocery store in Washington state where people would order thru Amazon and go pick it up in store. Friend of a friend was a worker that went to the shelves and fulfilled the order for the customer to pick up. Minimum wage job where she was worked with little breaks. From her Facebook page she was not a fan of working for Amazon or of shopping for white people Other friend of a friend was hired as a manger when he got out of the Navy. Moved his family there and the job wasn't what he thought it would be. He was basically a cattle rancher keeping the worker herd moving. But a year or so at Amazon opened the door to other opportunites
  12. You know what gets me in the Christmas spirit? South Park episodes Woodland Critter Christmas and Red Sleigh Down
  13. I am suspicious for two reasons. First, why wait a week to release this new information? Second, would Rudolph's black teammates have defended him?
  14. If no candidate has a majority after the first round of votes at the convention, any candidate can be nominated in subsequent ballots. Which is what I think both Clinton and Nanny Bloomberg are plotting
  15. I kinda wanna buy one of those as a Christmas gift for one of my coworkers, dude has hemorrhoids
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