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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Today is Black Friday Tomorrow is the first day of deer season in PA Why not merge the activities?
  2. Odd, i would have thought deficit spending a failed organization would attract Democrat voters
  3. Harris's campaign never took full advantage of that fabulous technicolor jacket she bought last year.
  4. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
  5. No less crazy than talking politics at Thanksgiving
  6. Much love DR but that website you linked is some new age bologna
  7. My favorite response tweet
  8. KY Jelly, and this isn't that type of website
  9. Thanksgiving in Erie watching Bills/Cowboys, seems like there is a Bloomberg commercial every other break. Not just generic ads either, ads created specifically for Erie According to relatives, there was a recent report that Bloomberg has already purchased like 90% of all TV political ad time on Erie TV stations up to the Pensylvania primary.
  10. I can't go that low, nobody should ever have to suffer eating cranberry sauce Gravy and stuffing FTW
  11. Happy Thanksgiving Spend it however you want . With family, loving America, hating Trump, eating Turkey, decrying poultry genocide, or whatever floats your boat Just be thankful for whatever you have and who spend it with ?
  12. Steelers They have always identified with blue collar America. Their hometown fans can be pricks but they have a large following across America because of how they've bonded with the working class
  13. I'm rooting for Michigan to upset Ohio St so Michigan has an excuse to sign Harbaugh to a 10 year contract. Also want to laugh at UM fans complaining about how they beat tOSU but still finished 3rd in the division
  14. Dude made me after the opening kickoff review when he said "6 seconds off the play clock and another 4 or 5 minutes of our lives we'll never get back"
  15. Closure to Jesse's story. Mix of Jesse trying to escape ABQ mixed with flashbacks of what happened in his captivity. Mike and Walt each have a "flashback" scene New respect for Skinny Pete and @#$% Todd
  16. Lost Mom to Cancer several years ago but am thankful for every Thanksgiving we spent as a family and treat every Thanksgiving with my Dad as a blessing
  17. Agreed, Thanksgiving is one of two days meant spend time with people we spend the rest of the year trying to avoid.
  18. They may be private companies but they hold a monopoly of buying, selling, and trading my personal information And they are implicitly sanctioned state monopolies. when a competitor pops up they use their massive financial resources to buy them out. Potential competitors that do not sell out are squashed by limiting g access to market shhare.
  19. It's almost like they're trying to turn Ameicans against one another
  20. Bummer, Booker was one of my favorite candidates. Dude was comedy gold and a walking meme machine.
  21. But I do trust Jim's choice of wine to select the one that tastes most like liberal tears
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