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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. So the current hapless administration deserves criticism for following the same monetary policy as the previous administrations? What opinion of the previous administration?
  2. Which hapless administration are we talking about? The one riding free money for 2 quarters or 32 quarters?
  3. Either people are tuned to what they want to hear or you're smoking some potent schitt.
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-31/no-bubble-in-stocks-but-look-out-when-bonds-pop-greenspan-says Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 10 years of printing money might result in a bond market bubble? Who would have thunk?
  5. How will vary by make and model of your router so you will have to consult your manual or Google it. But the gist of it is Wifi operates on different bands (2.4GhZ and 5.0Ghz) and within each band are individual channels 2.4Ghz has longer range, but fewer channels, and slower max speeds 5.0Ghz has shorter range, more channels, and faster max speeds 2.4Ghz is the older and slower band but is still the most commonly used. It's also used by cordless phones and is susceptible to interference from nearby electronic devices. Given the extended range and fewer channels of the 2.4Ghz band, you and your neighbors wifi may be interfering with each other. Your cordless telephone, baby monitor, even your microwave and other electronic devices (or your neighbors) may be interfering with your wifi.
  6. I disagree With the loss of Yara's fleet which keeps the Dorne army away from Kings Landing and the defeat of House Tyrell, Dany is left with Unsullied and Dothraki. While still a formidable military force, Cersei can paint them as a foreign invader and rally the people of Westeros to her cause Dany needs the North
  7. Or my wacky theory. Recall last night's introductions where Sir Davos brings up that Jon was stabbed in the heart, only to be shushed. Later Dany asks Tyrion what Davos meant by stabbed in the heart. Recall Cersei's grand plan for felling the dragons. I'm thinking Jon Snow-Stark-Targarian's dragon will be mortally wounded and resurrected.
  8. Yara and her Iron Fleet sail for Dorne but are intercepted by Euron and his Iron Fleet The Unsullied march on Castily Rock only to meet token resistance while Euron's fleet burns what's left of Dany's fleet Meanwhile the Lannisters march on the Queen of Thorns So, who is the mole at Dragonstone?
  9. i remember going off cable when i was a kid and picking up french language tv from montreal or quebec. I Killed Da Wabbit dubbed in French was hilarious
  10. The router you linked is fine for home use
  11. Kid Rock supports working women
  12. something else to keep in mind regarding antennas, you don't need a brand spanking new digital antenna for HD. If you've got an old analog antenna in your yard or attic, or even a pair of old school rabbit ears they'll do the trick
  13. Sundays: Game of Thrones, The Strain Tuesdays: American Ripper Fridays: Ancient Aliens, Dark Matter, Killjoys Saturdays: Turn Offseason: South Park, Gotham, Vikings, Better Call Saul, The Expanse, The Americans The only shows that I watch on the date of broadcast are Game of Thrones and South Park. Everything else is streamed on demand whenever I feel like it The Strain and Turn are both in their final seasons American Ripper is a one season documentary/reality show I'm considering cutting the cord when my DirecTV contract is up. The only disruptions I can see would be GoT and South Park
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/07/28/hillary-clinton-wants-to-tell-what-happened-in-her-new-book-which-wont-actually-tell-what-happened.html
  15. I'm pretty sure that thing on Trump's head is the controlling symbiote, which technically makes Trump the pet
  16. By announcing first he can at least claim to have at one point been the front runner for the Democratic Presidential nomination
  17. And the Senators represented the interests of their individual state, not of the officially sanctioned partisan organization and associated special interest groups.
  18. Solving Baltimore's crime puzzle http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/editorial/bs-ed-0730-baltimore-crime-20170728-story.html
  19. But invoking the nuclear option or employing parliamentary shenanigans to force thru an unpopular piece of legislation has never been done before
  20. I love me some Korean Tacos (and no, this isn't some code word for Asian women )
  21. Pretty much. Kind of like a cross between Pokemon and Dungeons & Dragons. I have a pair of coworkers that are into it. I printed the meme below and stapled it to a stick so that whenever I hear them talking about it I flash it in their faces:
  22. no you're not, but your linked video is just as invisible
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