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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. i usually just use provolone and dijon
  2. If we had applied the 25th Amendment to PPP you would have been gone long ago
  3. There are names we no longer speak in these parts
  4. The problem with developing two project QBs simultaneously is the coaches cannot focus on either so neither fully develops Pick a project and commit
  5. Either a customer or an employee probably moved another sign for giggles Dude who called him a token probably only saw that black guy was an NRA advocate and never even bothered watching Noir's work. If you haven't seen him before or heard of him, look him up on Youtube®. If you're Pro 2A you'll enjoy it. If you're Anti 2A you may be persuaded otherwise, or just throw throw a temper tantrum like the snowflake who called Noir a token
  6. Preseason Game 1 Ran like a champ until about 7:30 then went dark. Stream came back sometime between 8:00 and 8:30. Not bad considering it's a stream of a preseason local broadcast rather than a regular season network feed
  7. Damn, I was gonna crack wise about the opiod induced constipation, but then PJ had to be a Killie McKilljoy
  8. I hadn't noticed but maybe that's because whenever I see her on screen something else gets wooden
  9. I think Littlefinger might be wondering if he had just willingly handed over the instrument of his own demise
  10. Best theory I've heard awhile Night King = Hodor
  11. Obama would apologize for the placement of Alaska and Hawaii HRC would negotiate the annexation of Hawaii and Alaska in exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation How much attention did either state get in 2016? The only attention they ever got in a Presidential campaign were 2008 with Palin being from Alaska and 2008/2012 with Obama being from Hawaii
  12. Welcome to Buffalo Anquan. Enjoy some beef on weck and take a trip to Casino Niagara. Soak up the fan adoration while you can, but expect TSW to start sharpening the pitch forks some time between Halloween and Thanksgiving
  13. Rule #34 Jaimie pushed a kid out of a window for Cersei and for himself. I'm pretty sure banging the King's wife is a capitol offense in Westeros
  14. Dany's learning aerial combat maneuvers on the fly. After the dragons last went extinct the Targarians shut down the Dragon Top Gun program Dany: Red Keep, this is Dragon Rider requesting a flyby Red Keep: Negative Dragon Rider, the pattern is full
  15. I just cancelled my DirecTV. Other than offering to change my package and lower the bill with a contract ($45) they didn't attempt to retain
  16. Isn't Malanin one of the charafters from GoT?
  17. We are witnessing in slow motion with BLM how bat Schitt crazy Racists evolve from your kooky relative to gatherings of bat schitt crazy kooks, to a small movement that continuously grows, gains minor political power, and evolves into the Final Solution
  18. Observed at a Subway this afternoon (yeah yeah I know Subway yuck, but we we were running late and it was close) Subway employee making their own sandwich. Foot long with two of the "egg" patties, four sausage patties, and globs of siracha My cholesterol spiked just watching that
  19. My theory on the revelation of Jon Snow's lineage: -Dany wants Jon Snow to bend the knee but Jon will not -Davos hinting that Dany is hot -The Davos / Jon Snow / Mellindre conversation on bastards, marriage, and the queen they chose Somebody will suggest rather than a bending of the knee there be a marriage of a King and a Queen As news spreads Brandon hears of it and says ewwwwwwww. In his own stoic Vulcan manner of course.
  20. Make PPP Great Again #MPPPGA
  21. It was alluded to by Tarley that the remaining Lannister forces were the rear guard of the loot train. So the bulk of the Lannister forces were likely already in Kings Landing Drogon took a harpoon but was not killed. They've been foreshadowing that a dragon will be killed Only three episodes left. They're building up for an epic battle of Kings Landing where either Cersei or Dany is killed, or the Whitewalker threat is revealed to the South and the Living join forces to survive the Dead
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