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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. So your argument is akin to
  2. The latest trend in streaming: re-runs http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-timeless-tv-streaming-20170820-story.html
  3. We thought their boats were fast, but those ravens can really fly
  4. Glad to see Theon get some redemption by pretending to be Enrico Palazzo in order to stop Reggie Jackson from assassinating Dany
  5. How about changing it to Play That Funky Music White Boy instead?
  6. There aren't many rules on PPP But that is one of them
  7. Hiroshima still would have been bombed. Nagasaki would not have as there was only one bomb And the second bomb is what led to the surrender. First bomb was a shock, but there's no way they can do that again.
  8. I'm waiting for Antifa to demand that the Audubon Society change it's name because Hitler built it
  9. You're still relatively new so let me explain. This one's gonna take awhile to live down
  10. Font is a privilege not a right
  11. CK is not entitled to a spot on an NFL roster. Nobody is denying him the opportunity. There just isn't much interest in his skills within the NFL. Has CK or his representatives contacted teams from the CFL or various minor football leagues across North America? Or are those leagues beneath him?
  12. Still like dogs more than people
  13. Windows 7 was an acceptable OS Windows 10 the jury is still deliberating XP was a warhorse that deserves a heroes burial 8, 8.1, and Vista were aberrations that should never be spoken of again
  14. There is talk tonight, this am that Jamie Lannister is turning against Cersei and word is that she may resign before they go that far. What do you think is the over/under on how long she lasts... and Daenerys is elevated to the Iron Throne? I give it less than a month say before winter has ended?
  15. That is a symbol of the anti-vegan white cis-male patriarchy
  16. Or when somebody inevitably uncovers a vulnerability in the crypto
  17. http://blog.dilbert.com/post/164297628606/how-to-know-youre-in-a-mass-hysteria-bubble
  18. I witnessed a scam the other day at Wawa For those unfamiliar with Wawa it's gas station chain with a sandwich shop inside. You walk in, use a touch screen kiosk to order a sandwich and a ticket is printed out. You pay at the register while the sandwich is made. When the sandwich is ready they call your number, you put your ticket in a basket, and collect your sandwich I'm there ordering a sandwich minding my own business and see another patron walk up, says the number and puts a piece of paper into the bin. Wawa hands over the sandwich. Not unusual, people don't hear their number the first time, they get stuck in line, go out to fuel their car, or hit the bathroom while the sandwich is being made A minute or two later another patron asks for the same number which has already been handed away. They check the receipt which has the number and is stamped as paid. They check the basket and find a blank piece of white paper. Somebody walked off with the other guys sandwich Or did they.... On my way out the parking lot I see the same two guys pulling away in the same car
  19. HBO's website has S07E06 scheduled for 70 minutes HBO's website has S07E07 scheduled for 80 minutes The penultimate episode tends to culminate with the epic battle and the finale deals with the aftermath while setting up the following season Mammal excrement tends to be flammable but I do not know about reptile droppings (I am assuming of course that Dragons are reptiles as they appear to be). But if reptilian poo is anything like mammal poo then I would assume it is also flammable. And given the size of those Dragons, I would venture a guess that Dragon emissions are a leading cause of climate change in Westeros.
  20. Agreed. Enlarged font is symptomatic of a need to compensate for other inadequacies
  21. There are reasons Chik Fil A is always packed. Their sandwiches are the best fast food chicken sandwiches, the restaurants are always clean, service is prompt, and staff is always courteous. They will cover their operating costs and turn a tidy profit the other six days of the week. Atlanta didn't build that stadium to host 8 football games and close it the other 357 days
  22. I ran thru the schedule and noted my gut feelings for each game That made me sad But I'll say they exceed expectations and go 4-12
  23. The stadium will be open to events on the other six days of the week
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