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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Gotta spend money to make money. And an episode of GoT doesn't run cheap with all the CGI, special effects, stunt work, and not to mention the ensemble cast has some hefty contracts
  2. let's just abolish the police
  3. And rightly so for an Asians cultural appropriation of a White name
  4. What? You must have missed the scene in episode 5 where Bran predicted it
  5. Not to mention the people those statues are remembering were more accurate with a single shot Minie ball musket than the gangstas are with an 19 round Gloc pointed sideways.
  6. Did they give one to Obama. If not, datzraysis
  7. They do heal quickly, but Eichorst got toasted last week. The leftover scars even with the makeup added a little extra believability to his speedy recovery
  8. Don't forget high capacity fuel tanks
  9. Milwaukee's Best?
  10. Mobdro is a separate app from Kodi. Available on Android and Apple IOS
  11. Threesome? Cripes there's enough heft there for a goal line defense
  12. Gedry will go where Davis goes. David will go wherever Jon Snow goes Jon Snow is going to the pow-wow I hope Gendrys path at some point will cross with Cersei Freezer burn
  13. Exodus is no longer supported and has been replaced by Covenant. Another option is SALTS.
  14. Great point. Jon Snow was introduced to Gendry at the end of episode 5 and was ready to trust him North of the Wall. In episode 6 we learn that Gendry is the fastest runner of the expedition. And we know this how?
  15. Eichorst just can't seem to catch a break this season
  16. You know who else misused air power?
  17. http://mashable.com/2017/08/21/legends-room-strippers-bitcoin/#FIU15VPsSaqg And I propose the name for this should be Titcoin
  18. If warging counts as flying than Bran has already fulfilled the prophesy by warging into the ravens
  19. a thousand times nothing is still nothing stop defending one group of fascists as less bad than another
  20. Dany can ride the /dev/null Dragon
  21. Maybe the Night King has Amazon Prime
  22. I know you have as much respect as anyone for the elderly, but we must also consider that since this was John McCain's boat there may have been an elderly driver
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