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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I would have went with "Crap, forgot to DVR Game of Thrones"
  2. Ironic that the latest CK rumours involve the SJW landing in a city named after a slave holder and perpetrator of Native American genocide.
  3. Or even better...
  4. I guess we have differing plans of attack. My goal isn't to inflict any pain on the critters, just startle them and plant the Pavlovian response whenever they cross into my yard
  5. FireTV/Firestick is a derivative of Android. So anything you see relating to Android also affects FireTV/Firestick
  6. I was going for the Baratheon stag / Dodge Ram but okay then Toyota Tundra for trips North of The Wall Or we find out the Night King is living and it is in fact the Starks, Lannisters, Targaryians, etc who are the Army of the Dead And the episode is directed by M Night Shumalumalumalumalumalumalumon
  7. http://www.yojoe.com/action/85/lamprey.shtml
  8. @snowflake I used to use a pellet gun but found that spray of water is just as likely to frighten them off, has a higher degree of accuracy, and doesn't leave pellets scattered throughout my yard
  9. Kodi 17.4 released. Minor updates, see if any affect you https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-v174-final-just-bunch-fixes Likely last update until version 18 "Leia" is released next year
  10. Or as we call it on PPP The welcoming committee
  11. Not only do I support genocide I am actively engaged in killing every six or eight legged creature that I find in my garage and crawl space And i have a squirt gun for squirrels, rabbits, and stray cats
  12. It's difficult to take any place seriously that admits you as member
  13. America, land of the Free Stuff and home of the Participation Trophy
  14. Airplane! needs to be top 3, top 5 at least Holy Grail needs to be top 10 at least And one serious snub. I mean seriously how do you put Tootsie and Zoolander on a list but omit
  15. Farrah Fawcett made a good poster grindr much?
  16. Jon Snow was pitching Infiniti in the offseason Gendry should pitch Ram Trucks
  17. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/992/402/c35.gif
  18. I went to college near pittsbrgh and never noticed any shortage of beaver near the Three Rivers
  19. And yet he was still captured on the nuclear wessel
  20. Nigeria is due for a total eclipse in 2034. I'm sure the Prince of Nigeria will politely reserve for you one spot if you were to kindly remit a sum of large $ US
  21. Asian Women Carmageddon These are things I enjoy This thread, not so much
  22. I thought that was Antarctica
  23. I heard a bunch of people saw a giant disc in the sky blot out the Sun. Aliens?
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