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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I've only been pulled over once in my life, for failure to come to a complete stop. Which is one of the nonsense offenses cops use to pull people over to run plates and IDs against their database of outstanding warrants, check for drunk drivers, do a quick visual search, or smell for weed I was let off with a warning, waiting the ticket and showing up to traffic court is more work than most cops are willing to put into a disputable minor traffic offense
  2. My suggestion is to not interrupt the string of ignores. Wait until some you dont ignore chimes in, then count up the consecutive ignores 3 in a row is a field goal 4 in a row is a grand slam 5 in a row is a tyrod 6 in a row is a touchdown 7 in a row is a PAT 8 in a row is a 2 point conversion 9 in a row is a boroquez 10 in a row is a van pelt 11 in a row is an RJ 12 in a row is a jimbo 13 in a row is a stevie 14 in a row is a fitzmagic 15 in a row is a kemp
  3. Republicans pounce on merry Christmas narrative
  4. The problem with Soylent Green is you eventually run out of other people
  5. https://m.slashdot.org/story/365056 Creator of Internet bulletin boards, a man whose creation would eventually lead to TSW
  6. How about sending a child on a guilt trip tour of neighboring lands
  7. Looks like someone attached a d*ldo to the Washington Monument
  8. Ever notice stories like this tend to involve Los Angeles and San Francisco? Dont hear too many sob stories from Oklahoma or Utah
  9. I've made donations to the Virginia Citizens Defense League in all of your names
  10. If you want to talk about it, start your own thread instead of hijacking the Global Warming thread
  11. you know you love some beth mowens
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