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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. i remember after that Bryant sent out a Tweet that JuJu was Coates' replacement
  2. tis better to have Mudged and lost than never to have Mudged at all
  3. Republicans are all about tax cuts and spending cuts when they're out of power. Once in power they enjoy spending as much as Democrats
  4. Are you referring to the private pledge by Trump or the pledge of public funding by the Government (Christie / NJ or Obama / Feds)?
  5. Trump pledges $1M of his private funds Chris Christie and Barack Obama pledge the support of the state of New Jersey and the Federal Government And you're complaining the victims are waiting on a private donation
  6. Dammit I thought this was gonna be another conspiracy theory thread
  7. If they would have ended the game in the 3rd quarter Indiana would have pulled off the upset And the Falcons would be Super Bowl champs
  8. And i thought the original ending was terrible. And the beginning. And the middle part I did enjoy when the hot red head got naked and the part when Leonardo DiCrapio dies. The rest of it sucked tho
  9. Most of gator/tiberius quotes end up something like this anyways
  10. Trump does something commendable yet you can't bring yourself to admit it. So you resort to name calling. and I find it humorous that the common thread for your list of 'good' humans is their partisan affiliation. And re Clinton Foundation, again it's easier for Leftists to pledge other people's money or institutional funds than for a Leftist to dig into their own pockets
  11. So basically you can't refute the argument and are resorting to attacking his character.
  12. How much of a personal contribution have Obama, either Clinton, Pelosi, Warren, Sanders, Biden, Cuomo, or McAuliffe pledged?
  13. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/08/31/confederate_monuments_the_problem_with_politically_correct_history_134886.html
  14. TIL the University of Indiana has a competitive log rolling team
  15. alcohol, ass, and guns 'Murca!
  16. Oh and it gets better (Subject to change on a whim of course) But the CBS feed lately has also been Buffalo
  17. mobdro's abc feed is currently buffalo ABC7
  18. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HARVEY_TRUMP?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-08-31-15-53-09 Kevin Hart and The Rock had some campaign going where celebrities would donate vast sums to relief Trump should try launching a similar campaign to encourage politicians to donate money not from the public till but from their own pockets. Maybe Hiliary can donate some of the proceeds of her upcoming book tour to Harvey relief. Obama can channel some of his $400k speaking fees to bottle up the water upon which he walks. Pelosi should be able to spare some cash from her husband's minimum wage exempt business interests
  19. Just like the Soviet/German alliance in 1939
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