I'm going to venture a guess that you installed it via the App Store. There's tons of crapware pretending to be mobdro floating around out there
Install it directly from the mobdro app site
Which means it may miss Cuba, which is very mountainous and would slow the storm.
Instead it's taking aim at South Florida then maybe back out to sea across for a potential second landfall further up the East Coast
While everybody has been focused on the Tropics there is a massive solar storm heading our way as well with an aurora visible in the northern United States
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one considering The Star Spangled Banner was written during the War of 1812
And IIRC the tradition of playing The Star Spangled Banner at sporting events began during WWI
I'm somewhat unsure what to make of that Krugman article as I usually find myself disagreeing with him but he does have that beardy professor look that makes people want to think he's smrt
What retards think Obama was President during Katrina? Obama had absolutely nothing to do with Katrina
It was the Yakuza taking revenge for Hiroshima by using Dick Cheney's weather machine