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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Twenty One to Twelve Strong defense and running game First place in the East
  2. There's a pun waiting to happen
  3. Maybe they're tanking for Darnold
  4. TJ Watt already with a sack and an interception
  5. So does this mean the Bills won the trade?
  6. Jets versus the Bills But I'm looking forward to Pizza Hut half off
  7. Striker? Striker?? Striker??? Striker!!!!!
  8. 506 Sports shows the Miami TV market switched from Indy/Rams to Jets/Bills http://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2017 So if you hadn't evacuated and still have power, at least you have something to watch
  9. Cut the manchildtard some slack. Can't really expect drones to proofread their overlords marching orders
  10. Category 3.5 is one mean hurricane
  11. Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun
  12. Trump used Dick Cheney's weather machine to send a hurricane towards his house so that the Feds can foot the bill for to renovate Melania's shoe closet
  13. Now it's Bernie colluding with those pesky Russians http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/top-hillary-clinton-advisor-suggests-bernie-sanders-colluded-russia-primary
  14. So anything worth watching this Sunday afternoon? Maybe some I Love Lucy reruns or Growing Pains bloopers?
  15. Don't worry about it. Doesn't matter if it was J-Lo or J-Law, I wouldn't kick either out of bed or care what either says about anything
  16. From your link the Kodi plugin is now free But Android and Apple clients still require payment Plex is a mix of free and paid services
  17. Zach betrays Eph Master drinks Eph Zach triggers nuke Everyone dies Humanity is saved
  18. The NRA and gun industry will look back at 2009-2016 as a golden era
  19. Kirk's faith had really be tested when he found out his sister's campy sit com got a reboot but his didn't
  20. I already had low expectations for the upcoming Star Trek series. http://ew.com/tv/2017/09/07/star-trek-discovery-trump-political-divide/ I give it less than a season before viewership tanks. The second season will be branded as finding their niche. Third season will come from brand recognition. Then it will Trump's fault they cancelled Star Trek
  21. I hadn't heard about J-Lo saying that, maybe he meant Jennifer Lawrence https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2017/09/07/jennifer-lawrence-mother-natures-rage-directed-us-because-trump So to recap: Humans cause climate change Climate change causes hurricanes Humans voted for Trump Mother nature sends hurricanes as punishment for voting for Trump
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