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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. LGBTQ section of boysts
  2. #chocolatestripeinneopolitanmatters
  3. We're they streaming via Kodi or downloading via Torrent? Torrent will get your ISPs attention because your download becomes part of the upload pool and are thus hosting content.
  4. Trump brand...
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hurricane-maria-following-irmas-path-233756453.html
  6. The Bills drafted Peterman to taunt their fans Seriously dude, he's a project QB
  7. What did the San Andreas say after the Earthquake? Sorry, my fault
  8. Waiting for the outcry from #BLM Last I heard he was clearing out space in his vault to hide all the evidence of Russian election hacking
  9. Antifa called to let us know that main TSW board looks crazy
  10. Schilling was fired outright for retweeting a meme indicating his agreement with North Carolina's bathroom law. Hill, on the other hand, received a reprimand for calling the president of the United States a white supremacist. Hill's non-apology apology only made things worse: Let us be crystal clear on this point: Hill is not sorry that she offended at least half the country. Schilling offended a minority of Americans. Cohn merely acknowledged, without taking a side either way, that some of their audience had bled off because of politics. Schilling got fired; Cohn was suspended; Hill was on the air the very next day. Is it any wonder that right-thinking people are turning off ES(JW)PN? College GameDay (maybe the last ~30 or so leading up to Corso's picks) NCAA Football games Monday Night Football The rest of ESPN </crickets> The Zyklon Bees did have a tendency to smoke the competition
  11. So I'm watching the Penn St game and have two streams going at the same time Stream#1 on Roku using official BTN (Big 10 Network) app Stream#2 on AndroidTV using Kodi with Bennu add-on The Kodi/Bennu stream is maybe 30 seconds or so ahead of the official BTN stream
  12. Your ISP isn't going to come after you unless you are hosting the streams. Technically they could come after you but the time and effort is better spent going after the hosts or blocking the host IPs Setting up a VPN is easy. When you get it set up let me know if the VPN is worth the cost
  13. bologna was considered 1st class food
  14. Refresh my memory. Who was Trump's Final Four picks? I must have missed the ESPN Presidential Bracket show in 2017
  15. TIL that Jeff George has a son who has followed his fathers footsteps as QB at Illinois
  16. I agree. Let's riot #NotMyFavoriteTeam
  17. The first few episodes were difficult because the show basically lost both it's Protagonist (Murphey) and Antagonist (Escobar) and replaced them with the Deuteragonist (Pena) and an ensemble of Antagonists drawn from supporting characters. But once it picked up it was pretty good
  18. Officially no, but in reality yed
  19. So ESPN stands by somebody critical of Trump but fired Hank Williams for criticising Obama
  20. Even with the media carrying her
  21. Should have had a V8
  22. His name is Skip But you would already know that if you had bothered to read the report rather than dismissing it because it does not reinforce your marching orders
  23. Confusious is Confucius' confused internet meme
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