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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I think both CBS late games are gonna be routes
  2. Were the New England Patriots* visiting?
  3. Got a perfect slogan for the P*ssy Hat crowd: Molon Labia
  4. It's not so much that they want to live like cave-men. I'd say it's more accurate they want to live like serfs
  5. Sounds like the premise for one of those America's #1 new drama series that CBS pimps in between every play
  6. LA had problems supporting one NFL franchise in the past so the NFL relocates two there And USC outdrew both NFL teams...combined https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2017/9/17/16322710/rams-chargers-attendance-usc-texas
  7. If you started The Deuce last night but haven't finished then I think you're into The Strain
  8. Will there be therapy dogs available if somebody gets a paper cut?
  9. And then Tom woke up from his wet dream to find
  10. Do you get any new abilities at level 6, or just increased Mana and hp?
  11. Or how Trump likes to have a second scoop of ice cream whien rooting for Ivan Drago.
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