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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Not to inject PPP into this (which you've already done) but you mean right wingers like Al Gore's wife? But other than your piece of fake news, Slayer would be an epic half time show Or maybe an ensemble 80s Thrash theme with Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, and Anthrax all performing at halftime
  2. Agreed but I was willing to give it one more season
  3. Nah Obama healed the planet enough to prevent Guam from tipping over
  4. Trump beat his team which gives him butthurt. Kind of like how we all despise Tom Brady
  5. the tears of a liberal (which is an actual product, a bottle of which was once gifted to me http://liberaltears.net)
  6. The ladies of the Lingerie Football League refuse to kneel http://freebeacon.com/culture/lingerie-football-league-responds-to-nfl-we-stand/ Oh and that tall chick, 4th from the front, got some creepy eyes. Looks like she got bit by a Strigoi
  7. which were intentionally infected with small pox
  8. Oh snap, now you done it. Here comes another iteration of the endless Picard vs Kirk Internet War Totally agree on all counts. And I'd like to add Season 5 of Babylon 5 was also terrible as was the spinoff with Lumbergh in Space. BSG started off so good but went down hill fast Farscape had it's moments. Speaking of Farscape and SG1 (bdutton above), the last two or three seasons of SG1 was basically retooled with the Farscape crew Another SyFy series worth checking out is Dark Matter. S3 just hit Netflix (but unfortunately the series was recently cancelled ) And then there's Firefly
  9. That would require writers coming up with original storylines
  10. Sierra November Oscar Whiskey Foxtrot Lima Alpha Kilo Echo Sierra
  11. write really long run on sentences because everybody loves a good long run on sentence with a lack of punctuation and no capitalization
  12. I dropped DTV about two months ago. I should call and cancel it again
  13. Vote first. Then read https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/sep/26/playlist-of-the-lambs-psychopaths-prefer-rap-over-classical-music-study-shows
  14. Yes, but the little green men have a discriminating palate so they only eat white people
  15. everyone had fallen asleep before mead finished his run-on sentence
  16. was caught secretly filming dancing penguins
  17. Then how would the University pay for safe spaces with therapy puppies and coloring books to console young adults for traumatic events like elections and the shocking realization there are people who have different points of view?
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