When Dem's raise taxes they're only raising it on other people like those greedy people who have nice things you don't have. But not on you, if you like your tax cut you can keep your tax cut
Hell yeah! That's what I say about Climate Change. In the unlikely event their doomsday predictions are even remotely realized I'll be dead and buried. So !@#$ the planet
Last time I checked SMU had their football program re-instated
Even if Penn St were inflicted the death penalty, at some point the program would be restored, and you would be back hating on them.
Haters gonna hate. It's what you do
Mike Vick was allowed back into the NFL
OJ Simpson is being released from prison
Donte Stallworth killed a man and returned to the NFL
At what point has Penn St been punished enough for you?
Never IMO, you're just a hater looking for something to hate