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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. rue 21 mumbling something about
  2. I beg to differ. This is what got us President Trump
  3. got to wear his brown shirt, arm band and funny mustache while flexing his
  4. over officious jerk named gugny that thought he knew the rules to
  5. Sounds like the Judean People's Front vs the People's Front of Judea wankers
  6. convenience store on 26th and Greengarden in Erie
  7. The traditional remedy for headaches is to take 2 aspirin and call your doctor in the morning. But with time travel the part about calling your doctor in the morning does present a bit a of a paradox
  8. Cancelled DirecTV in August but have not missed a Bills game this season Granted some streams are in 720 or480, but the risk/reward of non-HD streams vs $100+ a month has been in my favor
  9. after his second scoop of ice cream
  10. No worries, this story is way to creative to come from anything you have ever written
  11. He's a dead white guy, of course they'll find a reason to tear it down
  12. I have a house phone too. Cordless phone from Walmart + Obihai (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BUV7C9A/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00BUV7C9A&linkCode=as2&tag=obihatechn-20) + Google Voice = free phone service
  13. my new surge protector came with a free gift, a 6 foot telephone cord. so nice of them to let me throw out their trash for them
  14. A warning from the future http://www.wxyz.com/news/national/drunk-man-tells-police-hes-time-traveler-from-2048-with-a-warning-from-the-future
  15. Beef on weck sushi with a side bump of EII's horseradish cocaine, which was a bad idea with the unintended consequence of
  16. Worst case with an empty database we could just ask Tom what somebody said during week 7 if the 2011 season
  17. Double Whopper with cheese
  18. you mix horseradish with cocaine? i bet that burns
  19. That Rams/49ers game looked like a stinker heading into kickoff but turned into arguably the most entertaining contest of the season
  20. Those Pats(white) and Bucs(Red) color rush look like New vs Used tampons
  21. But that's okay because he's a Party guy. So this will soon be part of an old news cycle, and much sooner than if this had been an election year when Inner Party members would be compelled to publicly distance themselves
  22. And it looks like it comes with lines of cocaine
  23. As a libertarian (small L) I'd rather not have tired old Statists like Pelosi/Hoyer/Clyburn/Schumer in control of anything, nor do I want to see any control given to younger hipper Statists like Booker or Harris. And then there's Warren. If she ever were elected President, the Washington Redskins should dedicate every home game to Chief Commissar
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