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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Global Warming Climate Change Chaos is making the Earth tilt We need action now! How dare us! Line them up against the wall or the Earth will tilt so much we all fall off in 12 years!!!!!!1!!eleventy1one!1!
  2. Yay! Free Stuff https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/12/publishers-blast-rumored-ban-on-paywalls-for-federally-funded-research/ Funny how Academia likes to lecture about what should be free, but gets protective over their stuff
  3. Not me. I saw that commercial when I was home for Thanksgiving and it felt phoney. Also reminds me back in 2012 or 2014 I went on a date with a 30ish year old chick I met on PoF or OKCupid or someother website. She was a hardcore Lib and had volunteered or interned for local Democrat candidates. She got a little perturbed by my political deflections and when she figured out I wasn't a Peoples Party Member. We obviously didn't click. A few months later I saw her in TV as a "recent grad" who was concerned that one of the Republican Congresscritters didn't represent her values. Dunno if she even lived in his district, but it was some serious bullschit parisan shill theatrics
  4. I'm here if Carley or Dagen need some consoling
  5. I was going to post a snarky response about how IRA was invented as a scam by a famous person named Ira. But I found searching the internet for famous people named ira is about as successful as searching PPP for a post from Tibs or Busey that isnt 'tarded.
  6. QE2Infinity&Beyond, Deficits dont matter, and Modern MonetaryTheory are awesome as the bubble inflates. Once it pops, things are gonna get messy
  7. It's almost like the EU is starting to realize they may have to take the great unwashed deplorables and their pesky election seriously
  8. Bad news is Glass is a senior and will face no real punishment. Good news is he doesn't have a draft able grade, so his football career ended in shame
  9. So in victory you would behave like those you had just defeated? Regardless of what happens I never want to fall down into the bitter mindset of "line them up against the wall" common among the Left That's what makes a Libertaririan revolution so scary for some, because if we ever took over we plan to just leave you alone
  10. CWI is remembered as the Blue vs The Grey CWII will be remembered as snowflakes with blue check marks vs rednecks with AR15s
  11. Obama picked up golf to pass the time between fundraisers, late nite appearances, and March Madness bracket specials
  12. Did Obama call his mulligans Bushs fault or excuse any shots into a sand trap as the course was in such bad shape before he teed off
  13. I'm sure you're familiar with the theological paradox of whether God could create a boulder so heavy that even He could not move it I propose a similar PPP paradox, can Tibs post something so stupid even he thinks he's a moron
  14. Why isnt she 26 under par you might ask
  15. SJW wont pay attention because it's like French or Canadian or something
  16. All that estrogen actually kinda makes sense. I tried an Impossible Whopper a month or two ago for the helluva it, and one of my conclusions was the only kind of man who would chose that uninspiring plant burger over beef is a hipster vegan p*ssy
  17. SJW heads gonna explode when they find Tom Hanks in Bosom Buddies
  18. Asshats gonna asshat, it's what asshats do
  19. Wheres his son, grandkid, and grandkid's stripper baby momma?
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