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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Did he call his State Farm agent yet?
  2. Your sarcasm detector needs a tune up
  3. We wouldn't be having this conversation if they had just gone ahead and drafted Deshaun Watson But that would have been silly
  4. An idea what to expect at Rosen's party
  5. Dunno what iteration we're up to on the commercial women threads, but here's one I've seen in a few commercials that I'd like to know more about https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wkoZ/capital-one-creditwise-stacking-stones
  6. that serve as a reminder of the long ago time before the Internet
  7. Ralph Wilson (duh) Lamar Hunt (AFC trophy) Larry Moe Curly Shemp Curly Joe Donald Trump
  8. At first glance I thought that said Bring Your Own Sluts
  9. Darnold flashes moments of brilliance but also has stretches where he obviously needs more time to work on his game. He would be better served to stay another year If Darnold comes out in 2018 I'd pass, not ready for prime time. But if Rosen or Falk are on the board when the Bills are on the clock, or the Bills are in a position to move up without mortgaging the future I'd pull the trigger on either.
  10. Googling that might be more entertaining
  11. The Florida squad looks like an IBTC
  12. The ESPN app stops to buffer live TV way too often
  13. The Fractured But Whole comes out this Tuesday
  14. yips seem to be the only thing he's caught lately
  15. #HillaryCourses https://twitter.com/hashtag/hillarycourses?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Ehashtag
  16. So you want the power to compel people to do something they may not want to do because it serves your purpose How very Progressive
  17. crusty yellow sock in the back of his dresser
  18. what's a diorama?
  19. First, and this has been covered in the Pet Peeves thread, it's Must Have, not Must Of Now that's out of the way Second, Weinstein's production company has been going thru some lean years. Hollywood is full of sycophants, wannabes, and remora eels that are more than happy to look the other way when the hits were coming and everyone is swimming in fortune and fame. But once the gravy train stopped the rats abandoned ship And finally in regards to Clinton (and I apologize if this veers into the realm of PPP), the Democratic Party establishment has alot invested in keeping Clinton's proverbial skeletons in the closet. Bill Clinton's rep may have taken abit of a beating after Hiliary lost in 2016, but even with that I don't think any stories will surface until after Bill and Hiliary have both passed away.
  20. I wonder what's happened to those kids in the decade since that video That kid in the red looks like prime candidate for SJW indoctrination. The chubby chick on the end is probably a Tumblr all star and a couple of the girls probably been knocked up. Kid in the yellow shirt that looks like he doesn't want to be there is probably a Trump supporter
  21. Here's a better place to start with actual science https://wattsupwiththat.com/
  22. Good find Several of the STEM and History courses look familiar. I've got more than a few in my Kodi Shuffle and the random number generator has a lecture on the Enlightenment with Eugen Weber's continuing journey thru the history of Western Civilization. Dude really seems to like Benjamin Franklin
  23. with /dev/null wondering whether to stock up on .30-06 or 5.56?
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