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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/10/how-the-krack-attack-destroys-nearly-all-wi-fi-security/
  2. I saw that commercial during the game yesterday and thought she belonged on the list
  3. Can you find the Yellow M&M? https://www.facebook.com/Amazon/photos/a.10150354146103124.344011.9465008123/10154176866833124/?type=3
  4. We're competing against 10 teams for a Wild Card spot. New England, Pittsburgh, KC, and somebody from the South will win their Divisions and the Browns are the Browns
  5. that's the plan. settle with the league who will pay out with an agreement that they did nothing wrong kaepernick gets a payday. writes a book that nobody outside of University's SJW program will buy, then fades from memory
  6. You know what many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents do care about? Incorrect usage of affect vs effect
  7. Kinda like how they took the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl for granted
  8. And the sad thing is he thinks he's going to get 72 virgins in the Afterlife But Hugh Hefner already has already spoiled them
  9. you and anyone else who isn't a Democrat sheep or shill came to that conclusion long ago And the most of the shills probably knew it too, but shills gotta shill. it's what they do
  10. don't get so full of yourself, this will probably be merged with the ongoing PPP thread this is football related. Green Bay may be looking for a QB but this law suit might block Kaepernick's ability to talk to GB
  11. we got a starting CB and a second round pick. rams got a whiny 3rd string WR
  12. Denver, Baltimore, and runner up in the AFC South (Houston/Jacksonville) are the wildcard competition
  13. And that second round pick we got for Watkins loses some value
  14. Antonio Brown makes more crazy video game plays per game than Sammy makes catches
  15. Exactly. One drawback to the Fitzmagic is once the spell wears off, his prey becomes immune
  16. It's not crazy. It's Fitzmagic You know that wedding ring he famously wears? That's just a cover story for a little trinket he picked up from the darkest depths of Mordor
  17. Don't get to overconfident. Fitzmagic is always strong off the bench. It's how he lures his prey into thinking he is a viable starter
  18. And their #5 WR, Justin Hunter, was effectively our best WR last season
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