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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. http://nypost.com/2017/10/21/the-other-half-of-america-that-the-liberal-media-doesnt-cover/
  2. Wings, losing super bowls, and dildos
  3. Cardiology or mental ward?
  4. Titans@Browns to OT in a 9-9 stinker
  5. Carson Palmer injured That's 3 QB changes (1 benching + 2 injuries) in 8 games
  6. ah, smokers shoulder
  7. Was Cutler injured, benched, or taking a smoke break?
  8. Meanwhile Corey Feldman, who has re-ignited his claims of pedophilia in Hollywood when he was young, is coincidentally arrested for possession of marijuana https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4740896/ex-child-star-corey-feldman-arrested-for-marijuana-possession-after-speaking-out-about-hollywood-paedo-ring-amid-weinstein-scandal/
  9. Meh, the Operation Paperclip wasn't some grand conspiracy that was covered up. Wehrner Von Braun, beloved father figure of NASA, was an SS Major whose research facilities used slave labor from the concentration camps Hubertus Strughold, the guy more or less credited with designing the space suit, performed human experiments at Dachau Sorry dude, you're not blowing the lid off anything here. It's pretty much common knowledge the space race was a race between the Nazi scientists captured by the Soviets in the East and the Nazi's who surrendered to the Western Allies
  10. But the town was named by a white cis-male
  11. What's your favorite flavour? I'm kinda partial to the Frosted Blueberry
  12. Technically you could have also posted your discovery in the TIL thread
  13. McCoy is who Mayfield reminds me of as well Tremendous college QB but I doubt his skills will translate to the next level
  14. And kick the extra point
  15. sometimes you gotta give some head to get ahead
  16. Tennessee needs to schedule a game with Illinois so Cornelius Bennett's son (DT Kivon Bennett) can sack Illinois QB Jeff George Jr
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/21/world/europe/spain-catalonia-mariano-rajoy.html
  18. Everyone loves some Skynrd I used to work with a black dude who moonlighted as a hip hop DJ. After his gigs he got in his car and listened to Skynrd on his way home
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