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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. US National Anthem but I do have fond memories the Canadian anthem. In college we crossed the border a few times and sang our own version Oh Can of Beer
  2. As opposed to the practice of paying somebody under the table to avoid income and social security taxes? You want an increase in Federal revenue? Implement the VAT and legalize marijuana
  3. That's also called a National Sales Tax or Value Added Tax. The VAT is not a new idea as it has been discussed in the past by libertarians and conservatives but liberal and progressives have shouted it down as regressive If Progressives want to adopt the idea as one of their own so be it. I would not be opposed to a VAT as a replacement to the income tax.
  4. I've never disputed that. I was a Rand Paul guy early in the primaries and was feeling the Johnson before long before most folks had even heard of him. Still doesn't change the fact that Donald Trump won the Electoral College and thus the Presidency
  5. They pushed out Debbie Whata-Sh*tbag from DNC chair last year for getting caught rigging the primary Not for rigging the primary mind you, but for getting caught
  6. Trump won the popular vote in 30 states
  7. Disgraced CBS anchor and soon to be former Senator Al Franken collaborate on their upcoming Podcast:. Between Two Pervs
  8. The Colluseum and Flak towers are still around because the amount of concrete used was collosal (sorry for the pun :p) Same with Hoover Dam which is still curing Most of our modrn structures use the steel and concrete as the skeleton and fill in lighter materials with the rest . Once the skeleton buckles it doesn't take long to bring it down. Look at the towers collapsing on Sept 11. All the conspiracy nuts talking about how jet fuel won't melt steel, it does produce enough heat to weaken steel. When one floor collapses it's weight collapses down to the next, which collapses the weight of two floors down and Cascades down to the bottom
  9. By Aliens To cover up their role in JFK assaination
  10. Senior Chief won't have a say but they do have ears
  11. Meanwhile back home in Pennsyltucky http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/salena-zito-erie-tells-an-ominous-sign-for-democrats/article/2641118
  12. As I stated previously the people who engage in the store Black Friday mayhem actually enjoy it. Thrill of the hunt kinda thing
  13. Two teams heading in the opposite direction
  14. 2007 called and wants to let you know people realized that a long time ago The only people who do Black Friday are people who actually enjoy it
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