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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I willingly donate to the Volunteer Fire Department
  2. Nay But if you're gonna do it, rum it up
  3. https://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/120417zr_4gd5.pdf https://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/120417zr1_j4ek.pdf 7-2 ruling with Darth Bader Ginsberg and the Wise Latina dissenting. Kinda suprised Kevin James sided with the Majority
  4. Well he does seem to have staked a claim You have the floor Master J
  5. EII (He's the guy that when he shows up everybody kinda rolls their eyes wondering who invited that guy?)
  6. Whaaaaaat? No Happy Meals on the Breakfast menu? Somebody needs to call Trump, that's Unconstitutional. Taco Bell lets you order the full menu at 9AM, because nothing starts the day like a Triple Decker Super Loaded Baja Extra Cheesy Cruncharito with 3 packets for Diablo sauce
  7. Of course it's only one game. The NFL doesn't want the Patriots* to play the Steelers without Gronk. If he appeals, the proceedings will drag out long enough so that any enforcement will come after Week 15 Patriots* @ Steelers
  8. These are the same people whose definition of a 5% increase in Government spending instead of a 10% increase is a Draconian Cut Or whose definition of lowering a subsidy as denying access
  9. Except for Barron, who is genetically engneered hist body to transfer the alien parasite inhabiting Trump's scalp
  10. It's bad enough having to swipe thru Rhinos massive cut and paste manefesto the first time, but somebody had to quote the whole thing
  11. She didn't steal your candy bar, she redistributed it. You had 4 Kit-Kats bars and she had none. It's only fair you give her 3.
  12. Thanks for easing it in before you started pounding
  13. Those weren't your potatoes, somebody else made them happen
  14. I don't remember the dream itself but I know I had a dream last night where I was talking to someone (don't remember who) when somebody behind me starts tapping my shoulder and saying "hey hey hey...hey hey hey...hey hey hey" and annoying me. Whoever I was talking to said well talk about this later. Then I woke up to my alarm going off in the same pattern as "hey hey hey...hey hey hey...hey hey hey"
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