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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. My Mother used to tell me if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all So I'm not saying anything
  2. In my youth We called that A quarterback sack Blind squirrels rejoice
  3. http://thefederalist.com/2017/12/08/18-questions-cnn-needs-to-answer-after-getting-busted-for-fake-news/
  4. I thought it had something to do with all that Speed Date stuff Rhino talks about
  5. President, CEO, and customer of the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Memorial Hair Club for Men
  6. But Newtonian Physics is a Western European construct and is thus open to interpretation
  7. Khan (as in Shad Khan, owner of the Jaguars) And an excuse to post this classic
  8. A Marine and Squid both walk into the head (that's bathroom for you Army pukes) The Marine finishes his business first and promptly washes his hands The Squid finishes his business and heads for the exit The Marine remarks, The Corps teaches us to wash our hands The Squid replies, The Navy tells us not to piss on our hands in the first place
  9. Skipped a few letters there champ JAX Jerry Kebab
  10. Bummer, I was about to ask you for some lawn care advice
  11. I'm forwarding that one on to some folks who will get a laugh out of it and another who won't find it amusing at all. Good find
  12. I'd give them a sample pack. Blondes, brunettes, red heads, and Asians
  13. You mean kinda like how a Cuban from Miami representing a heavily Latino district was denied membership in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus because he is not a member of the Democrat party?
  14. snow isn't the only pile they need to shovel out of One Bills Drive
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/venezuelas-chronic-shortages-rise-medical-flea-markets-122505418.html
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