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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. If you like throwing your money away just send it to /dev/null
  2. It's going to cost you This Much Mr Kraft
  3. I suspect this goes back to Rosen and Mora's personal/family friendship Rosen probably wasn't too happy with Mora getting whacked and doesn't want to play for UCLA anymore Call it a concussion for PR concerns on both sides (recruiting for UCLA and NFL draft for Rosen) and go their separate ways
  4. TFA opened on December 18, so no real big difference there TFA was a much bigger deal because it was the first Star Wars in over a decade. TLJ is the 3rd year in a row, or 'oh look another Star Wars'
  5. A game the Bills have to win if they have any hopes of the post season Or would you rather just tank it so you can start the off-season / pre-draft mental masturbation?
  6. The rule as I understand it is Irrefutable evidence The fact the league office has to Tweet out their justification shows the over ruling was quite refutable
  7. The last two Patriot* games have shined a light on the NFL replay rules Ruling on the field stands unless there is irrefutable video evidence...... Except when there is any doubt the call goes in the Patriots* favor : censored:
  8. I read another article on this quoting a police officer saying "if you shoot at the cops you're going to get what you get"
  9. Different situation Kelly didnt refuse to sign with Buffalo and re-enter the draft. He opted to sign with a competitor league, therefore the Bills held his rights.
  10. https://www.npr.org/2011/03/25/134854570/Wrestler-Wins-Ncaa-Championship-With-One-Leg
  11. The Force is weak with this one http://www.showbiz411.com/2017/12/23/box-office-last-jedi-now-running-over-100-mil-behind-force-awakens
  12. well damn When gugny (who tries to get along with most folks here) calls you out you know you're an annoyance.
  13. Why do you hate your elders? And I'm not a Boomer. I'm an apathetic GenX'er
  14. http://www.goerie.com/news/20171224/erie-woman-receives-284-billion-electric-bill
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