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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. he's alive and kicking. and conspiring of course X-Files S11 premiered last week
  2. Rather than moving that money from one pot of spending and moving it another pot of spending, how about using it to pay down some principal on that $20 Trillion debt (That's Trillion with a T).
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2018/01/04/trump-administration-plans-to-allow-drilling-off-all-u-s-waters/?utm_term=.971cf50b8aa6 drill baby drill
  4. which is why we should trust them to run the Health Care Industry
  5. Measured a few spots in my yard, looks like I got between 8-9 inches of snow with a drift of 14 inches At least I'm getting a four day weekend. Dilly dilly!
  6. When you try to brush it off as intentional and follow it up with some humor, it probably wasn't Most likely an autocorrect fail. But an epic one at that
  7. At least TGregggggggy's batschit crazy conspiracy theories are entertaining
  8. I think there was a conversion error in there from American years to those weird Canadian metric years
  9. They can fight it out among themselves for all I care
  10. I just measured my yard and about 8 inches of snow has come down and it's still snowing, but supposed to end in an hour or so
  11. It is when you're on an International Apology Tour
  12. It's Cleveland. They'd figure out how to screw it up
  13. Change happens You can either ride the wave or drown
  14. Just trying to be gender neutral inclusive
  15. If I were the Colts GM and Darnold/Rosen went #1&#2 I would do a shot every time the phone rang before I drafted the most explosive player in the draft
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