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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. So the "Bipartisan" investigation allowed only two Republicans full access but when either contradicts The Narrative, they are labelled conspiracy theorists
  2. Or he stays with New England. The only place Brady jumps is to his home of Northern California. One NorCal team has an established QB (his former backup) and the other bailed for Vegas
  3. Bad News: Bills Lost Good News: Patriots Lost
  4. Is that the Sith cult on Exogel from Rise of Skywalker?
  5. So Yolo, bigger butthurt: tOSU or Bills?
  6. Bit of a conundrum for our Leftys. Iran committed a cyber attack against a Federal agency. But if there's one thing Progressives love, it's Federal agencies I'd ask what our resident lazy government worker thinks about this, but nobody cares what EII thinks
  7. So what's the Narrative? Should we thank Obama for killing Soleimani or is the Intel Community raysis for not providing the intel so Obama could kill him?
  8. Strange lights in the sky over the United States Strange lights in the sky over any country that pisses of the United States
  9. Thats an "invasion", but Iranian soldiers engaged in firefights with US/UK/allied forces in Iraq or Afghanistan, well let's just pretend those never happened
  10. How many dearly departeds will turn out to vote in PA, Wi, Mi, OH, and FL?
  11. Whatever happened to politics ends at the borders?
  12. Surprised they didn't call him an austere military scholar
  13. Season 2 dropped off big time from Season 1. From what I gathered
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