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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Or take a page out if the Grammys and trot out random celebrities to read parts of "What Happened"
  2. How may trees did you cut down to build the stage? How many petroleum byproducts were used in construction Did you pay a living wage to your workers How diverse was your construction crew? Did you purchase construction materials from or at any point do business with Israel or a company affiliated with Trump?
  3. More crumbs https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/29/exxon-mobil-to-invest-50-billion-in-us-over-5-years-citing-tax-reform.html Dirty oily yucky fossil fueled crumbs
  4. Leave the kid out of this. It's not her fault that her Dad is a cheater or her Mom kinda has a dude face
  5. Amazon and Walmart I get most non-food items from these two places and they show up within 2 days Exxon-Mobil My Grandfather made a wise investment many years ago that has been paying off dividends (literally) across the generations
  6. NYU is so Progressive it can see a week into the future
  7. Especially if such a downturn occurs during the next Democrat administration
  8. An ambulance used as a car bomb !@#$ing barbarians
  9. Just because he's 500 feet tall and from the Paleolithic era doesn't mean he can't self identify as a college professor. Or a girl scout
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