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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. nouns verbs adjectives adverbs pronouns prepositions somebody will figure it out
  2. Meh I'll watch Hockey. US (obviously) and Finland (Mercyhurst alum)
  3. People who don't get Airplane! references make me sad All of I sudden I just had a random memory of a few years ago somebody was in the middle of a run on sentence. And this and that and something and something else and this and that So I jumped in next to him, shook his belly, and said And Leon is getting Laaaarrrrrrrrrger and jumped away. We all had a good laugh
  4. Reminds me of a very disheartening conversation at work the other day. Somebody had mentioned Val Kilmer's role in the movie Willow. At some point in the conversation I interjected I'm your Huckleberry Nobody got the reference
  5. If you spent less time parroting the party line and more time actually talking to people here you would find that most of us who were opposed to Obama's reckless spending are just as unhappy with big Government Republicans To some on the Left, being a Republican is provocation enough
  6. My Dad is about to have this procedure but they're doing one eye at a time, like 6 weeks between procedures.
  7. I stand with Rand (again) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/02/08/rand_paul_on_spending_when_republicans_are_in_power_there_is_no_conservative_party.html
  8. He's not the first person to use a cell in a SCIF nor will he be the last Different rules apply to different classes of people Some people can use a cell phone in a SCIF with no repercussions. Others face the consequences. Some people run a private email server with lax security housing classified information and almost get to be President. Other people go to jail
  9. Nazi declaration of War on the US after Pearl Harbor went full gatorman
  10. Part of me wants to show this post to my Dad to hear him rant Part of me is afraid to because you might get him so wound up it gives him a heart attack So I'll just respond with this
  11. So what you're saying is the Obama Administration failed in it's duty to secure critical network resources?
  12. Haliburton! Or all chicken wings are Buffalo wings
  13. don't get your hopes up, nobody from MSM will pose the question and anyone who does will be branded as #fakenews
  14. So disagreeing with a black person equate to racism? What are your thoughts on SC Senator Tim Scott
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