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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Looks like a cutoff for some appliance. Not an elegant solution but depending on the situation not necessarily against code either
  2. Agreed. The only way Foles gets traded is if he asks to go somewhere he can start. Even then I don't see the Eagles trading Foles to Cleveland or Arizona for some random picks. They'll work with Foles to get him somewhere he wants to go.
  3. That's the MILF's fault. I remember before SPR even came out there were concerns that it was too graphic and should be toned down. So they were warned ahead of time And as far as being too graphic, I remember seeing interviews with Normandy survivors who commended Hanks and Spielberg for showing a more realistic combat scene than the typical Hollywood sugar coating
  4. The idea behind a "purebreed" is to mass reproduce the desired traits by closing the gene pool. The problem with that theory is by closing the gene pool not only do you accelerate reproduction of the desired traits you also accelerate reproduction of flawed traits. A dog isn't some inanimate object like a new car or TV or smartphone. A dog is a new member of the family.
  5. In his defense he's Canadian. Outside the United States the Left is focused on wealth, resources, and labor. The American Left has been hijacked by Identity Politics, the nanny state, the Kindergarten-40 Education Industrial Complex, and lalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalala I can't hear you alalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalala you're a raysis lalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalala go away
  6. Why have you been ignoring Tom for two years? Granted Tom can seem rather abrasive at times, but has he ever threatened or verbally assaulted you? Other than pointing out flaws in your logic and arguments, what has Tom done to force your retreat into your cyber Safe Space?
  7. Take the wife and the kids to the animal shelter and a match will happen
  8. If you had a nickel for every time you pwnd BiM, you'd have a nickel bag
  9. Have to change the spelling alittle for Jimbo. GaLLLLbladder I kid I kid Get well soon
  10. And a few have since ascended to higher office
  11. There were polls in October 2016 that showed Trump down double digits to Hiliary
  12. Not to mention the Pats* had more yardage. The Russians hacked the replay booth
  13. More or less. It started as some kind of hippie commune that rapidly devolved from Utopia to a mini police state
  14. good times He hated both of us for awhile after that
  15. Accuse your opponents of that which you're guilty of Obama's weaponization of the Intel community, IRS, and DoJ was not a smidgen of corruption during 2009-2016. But now that a Republican is in the White House such powers are a clear abuse of power. I recall the debate a few years about the slippery slope of using drones to target and assassinate American citizens who were aiding Al Qeada or ISIL in the MIddle East. Had Hiliary won we might have ended up debating the use of drones to target and assassinate American citizens on US soil
  16. I wish we had a TSW archive going back 10 or 15 years. There was a sound in space thread that was good for some laughs
  17. Finished watching a documentary on Jonestown / People's Temple and that s**t just freaks me out. How people can blindly obey that crap into mass suicide, I just don't understand it. I do have to give Jim Jones credit tho. He did manage to marry religion and Socialism, two belief systems that require blind faith, obedience, and subservience But how do people fall for that nonsense. !@#$ing creepy
  18. You know you've gone full gatorman when EII is more coherent than you
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