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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Knowing that the Bills have 0% chance of drafting Barkley: Am I a horrible human being for hoping that he gets drafted by the Browns at #4 where he languishes in obscurity for two or three seasons until the Bills can sign him as a Free Agent?
  2. I don't think Tom has seen the Sun since the days of Windows For Workgroups 3.1.1
  3. The Godfather, Godfather II, and Scarface, of course Another pair of Pacino classics are Carlito's Way and Devil's Advocate
  4. True, very different breeds of shoppers. But I was hinting more at Amazon's corporate takeover of the world and Walmart's history of smiting competition
  5. Oak Island is produced by the same company as Ancient Aliens, narrated by the same guy, and have some of the same "Experts" on the show
  6. Yeah just enough to keep you wanting to come back next week to see if they found something else I loved last weeks episode. There was no excavations and had nothing to do with what they're doing on the island. It was all their theory on the Knights Templar. And what made me laugh was all the stock footage they used was from another History Channel show, Knightfall
  7. Detroit? There is a good chance that I will never have a fire but I still own a fire extinguisher
  8. That sounds like the news equivalent of that Three Stooges skit where they all get slapped at the same time
  9. Can we change this title to "Florida High School Shooting" or something else that does not imply a current active shooting
  10. Probably true. Most people who talk about Hannity or Fox News are Lefties who watch to be shocked. Similar situation with MSNBC, the only people who talk about them are Righties looking for comedy value. CNN on the other hand is only mentioned by Righties who were stuck watching it in aiport, office, hospital, or some other public space where they couldn't change the channel
  11. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and think like a Progressive Any attacks on CNN, MSNBC, Mother Jones, or any other outlet not approved by The People's Party is inherently pro-FoxNews This is an apple It rotted a few weeks ago but it is still an apple But if you don't like the rotten garbage supplied by your overlords then !@#$ because you're a racist
  12. Gun Control is a not a winning campaign issue for Democrats and thus will be long forgotten by November
  13. #CurrentTragedyStrong #PrayForWhereveTheBadThingHappened
  14. Or not http://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2018/02/15/florida-school-shooting-suspect-nikolas-cruz-member-white-nationalist-militia-tallahassee-leader-say/341751002/ But don't let trifling details like that interrupt The Narrative
  15. Thank you. I just skimmed thru the last few pages of this thread and if not for your quote I would have missed The_Dude's epic asshattery Even if you ignore the fact that most who opt for a career in Law Enforcement are vets, the above is still some epic asshattery
  16. Some people shouldn't have smartphones and access to Tumblr either
  17. Brent Munsberger is on his way to challenge you to a duel
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