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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Is it time for Norway to take down their flag out of respect for non Norwegians who might be offended by what it might look like? I took kind of a wrong turn a few years back trying to detour around a train and ended up driving thru a less than desirable ethnic neighborhood. Much to my amazement one of the houses was sporting the Stars and Bars. And I don't mean some small Bills flag like we would put outside the house on game day. This was spread out across probably half of the porches roof. I remember thinking at first that guy must be crazy, brave, or both. Then it occurred to me that guys neighbors probably think the same thing and would never want to !@#$ with whoever has the cojones to put that up
  2. Don't worry Gary, nobody here is judging you. We are laughing however
  3. Well played And I meant no offense with the original joke. I heard it recently and you set it up perfectly
  4. Wow, I meant that as a joke. Wasn't expecting to take it seriously which actually makes it even funnier
  5. What's the difference between a joke and 3 dicks? You can't take a joke
  6. No, another certifiable expert on all things Bullschit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_McGowan
  7. Like I said on Page 1 of this thread, Oak Island is produced by the same company that does Ancient Aliens, narrated by the same guy, and presents some of the same "experts". The crazy lady with the terrible hair color and a bald spot is a regular on Ancient Aliens I do question their methods but I also give them the benefit of the doubt as far as what they have discovered. That said I suspect their surface and shallow subsurface findings have been spread out over a longer period of time and off camera. The items are later returned to the area to be rediscovered on camera. The underground stuff on the other hand is kind of hard to fake. Or at least rather expensive to fake. However if this turns out to be one giant hoax and the items are placed there intentionally, whoever is running commercials during the show is going to have one helluva lawsuit against Prometheus and the History Channel
  8. You forgot your hashtag #CurrentTragedyStrong #PrayForWhoeverTheBadThingHappenedTo
  9. And a hashtag #CurrentTragedyStrong #PrayForWhoeverTheBadThingHappenedTo
  10. Cousins, Darnold, Allen, Mayfield, Rosen, Keenum, & Foles all walk into a bar together /thread
  11. That rule is just silly. They should change it to "In the event more than 125% of a precincts eligible voters cast ballots, excessive Republican votes shall be discounted until the number of votes casts does not exceed 125%"
  12. It's kind of like a variant of Last Post Wins. But instead of just posting random stuff, I think it's supposed to be in the form of angry incoherent ramblings similar to something Exiled In Illinois would post
  13. I agree 100%. Hunting Hitler Season 1 presented a plausible theory but based entirely on circumstantial evidence
  14. This is nothing new, except previously it was implicitly endorsed by the Obama Administration. The Fed a d Treasury pushed to classify some businesses as high risk credit such as gun makers, gun shops, tobacco companies, strip clubs, porn producers etc. Business deemed high risk would have stricter interest rates and regulation.
  15. Hunting Hitler has really gone downhill this season. They had a good run the first season. Second season should have been rebranded Chasing Nazi's because the focus shifted from Hitler to other Nazi's. Third season seems to be a mix of Hitler and other Nazi's but they're coming up with a theory that contradicts some of their evidence in S1 Then theres the over the top bad acting. OMG we have found a Nazi sub! Whose location has been known for decades and previously dived on. But OMG we found a Nazi sub!
  16. If the Clinton's were involved they wouldn't have used a uranium rock, it would have been a subtle fall off a tall building with a double tap just to be sure
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