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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Not sure where to stick this, but I guess this is the best place on page 1 of PPP https://apnews.com/9af7d38ed96540e5852f5cd6c08ae50a Should the Israeli Christians render unto Bibi that which is Bibi's?
  2. anybody know a good recipe for pasta and pickle juice?
  3. Reason #7 and this debate predates America and even the gun itself The rights of the Individual vs the power of a Central Authority (Government, King, Church, etc). Does the power of the Central Authority flow from the consent of the Governed or are the rights of the citizenry granted from the benevolence of the Central Authority? Those among us who favor the individual over a Central Authority tend to side in favor of the Second Amendment. Those who would surrender individual rights in favor of the "Greater Good" should enjoy the moral high ground because the day may come when they regret their magnanimity.
  4. How much faith should American citizens place in the sworn testimony of an FBI Director in front of Congress?
  5. Japan also has a culture of responsibility whereas the United States has bred the victim mentality over the past few generations
  6. And for me it was a few years later with And Justice For All. Totally blew open my prepubescent mind
  7. I can't share a survival story because I lost my Mom to Cancer. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer and was given 6 months to live. Ultimately she lived another two years but the last few months were rough. The best advice I can give you is to stay strong for yourself, your mother, your father, and any siblings you may have. There may come a time when they falter and need your strength to carry them or your strength may falter and you need to lean on theirs
  8. That's because everybody the Press knew did love Obama. It was those Deplorables in Flyover Country that lowered his ratings
  9. I might have to surrender my Man Card for a brief suspension for this one, but it's worth it
  10. easier to ask forgiveness than permission but when it comes to FISA, who needs either?
  11. Bed Bath & Beyond might have to implement background checks and a waiting period
  12. Neither the Byrd rule nor 60 votes are relevant to my question Should pieces of legislation such as the ACA or the recent tax bill be subject for renewal every few years, or should all acts of Congress continue in perpetuity?
  13. Why not bring the Affordable Care Act up for renewal every few years?
  14. Watkins is a prima donna thinks he's better than he really is Bryant is a selfish head case and poison pill in the locker room Bryant was drafted by a team sporting a 2 time Super Bowl champion future HoF QB with a track record of bringing out the best in his WRs. Antwan Randel-El (Redskins), Santonio Holmes (Jets), Mike Wallace (Dolphins), and Emmanual Sanders (Broncos) all flourished on their way to an oversized pay day outside of Pittsburgh. All MB had to do was keep his frustrations quiet, let Ben Roethlesberger do Ben Roethlesberger things and Bryant could have left Pittsburgh on his own terms with nice big contract in his pocket
  15. Don't skimp on the HDMI ports and don't let any of the SmartTV features cloud your judgement. Apps are always evolving and eventually your TV won't support some new version. You'll end up having to supplement any built in apps with a Roku, FireTV, AndroidTV, etc at some point anyway
  16. cthulhu https://sourceforge.net/projects/cthulhulinux/ (Another Linxu variant )
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