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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Considering Trump's age, he might spend the remainder of his life as President
  2. Gore and Hiliary reportedly had a frosty relationship and I would not put it past Hiliary to have gloated in 2000. If she did, I would love to know what Gore said to Hiliary in 2016.
  3. A few years ago one of my friends went to vote in Virginia Beach. The election official asked to see his ID and my friend snarkly commented that Obama said he didn't need ID to vote Poll worker told him Obama doesn't work that polling station. Was that you?
  4. If you ever want to get freaky, find yourself an erie girl
  5. do they at least pronounce Lancaster correctly? "lankister"
  6. Steel and aluminum tariffs will jack up the cost of The Great Wall of Trump
  7. signs that in the past were for the Democratic candidate Last time a Republican won Erie County was Reagan's landslide in 1984
  8. I could understand the signs along Wolf Road, Fairview, and out in the suburbs. But the signs in the City and Harborcreek are surprising. When I was home for Thanksgiving in 2016 I was surprised how many leftover Trump signs I saw on my way home from the airport and in my neighborhood on the west side.
  9. On a somewhat related note, autocorrect on my work phone has a tendency to change @hpe.com email addresses to @hoe.com so I have to double check i'm not email hoe's at work
  10. If I were a wagering man, I would put my money on the illegal immigrant population in PA to be centered in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, and Delaware counties with another enclave in Allegheny county Care to guess which counties are Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Allegheny?
  11. i didn't say he wanted to lose. i said he never planned on winning John McCain, Bob Dole, and Walter Mondale didn't want to lose either. But I doubt any of them ever seriously planned on winning. Donald Trump has a track record of doing business by leveraging somebody else's assets in his favor. He played the RNC into funding a whirlwind publicity campaign That said, once Trump saw his opening with Hiliary's Deplorables blunder he seized the opportunity.
  12. Because Trump is a showman, an attention whore, and not one to turn away free publicity. He basically went on a RNC funded publicity tour Up until Hiliary tripped over her dick with that Deplorables gaffe. That was when the campaign shifted
  13. This is what EII posts This is how his ramblings come across
  14. The Generals had been on a short leash for several years. Trump took off that leash
  15. I don't buy the Trump collusion with Hiliary conspiracy theory any more than I believe the Trump collusion with Russia conspiracy theory My suspicion is that Trump (not just Donald but the Trump Enterprise in general) wanted to break into the media business with a niche conservative outlet. Donald Trump ran in the Republican primaries for some free publicity. After dropping out of the Republican field Trump would have kept himself in the headlines for awhile with rumblings of an Independent or 3rd Party bid. But Trump would announce that rather than taking on the Herculean task of an Independent/3rd Party bid he would stay in public life via his new TV network or online media outlet But a funny thing happened along the way. He won the Republican nomination. He likely doubted that he could win the general election so he would have to delay his plans. In the meantime Trump would have to take a page out of the WWE playbook and at least try to make it look real until November. What Trump, Clinton, and the MSM all failed to comprehend was the general discontent in flyover country and the bipartisan disdain for Hilary Clinton. Trump never planned on actually becoming President
  16. see that's the problem. your camp shouldn't have a shooting program at all. that time would be better spent on wholesome activities such as deconstructing whiteness, or education on the proper use of genderless pronouns
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