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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Not only have they gone beyond full retard, they have gone beyond full gator With a T-Shirt And a press conference
  2. okay Pearl, I'll play Devils Advocate here. Assuming that you're not BSC and Trump was planted by the Clinton campaign to assure Her Royal Majesty's election. That does not alter the reality that Donald Trump was elected President So now I ask, how has Hiliary Clinton's fall guy been any worse of a President than Hiliary would have been?
  3. Amazing what kind of nasty habits Trump picked after decades of hanging around New York Democrats
  4. is that how long you have left on the car loan for your Corellian Corvette?
  5. If Tyrod ends the Browns playoff drought, as he ended the Bills, his nickname should be The Rainmaker
  6. Tibs must be in a bit of a pickle. His corporate inner party overlords are sending out smoke signals this can't possibly be a good thing. Meanwhile foreign policy vets from the Obama and Clinton administrations such as Panetta and Richardson have voiced their support for the summit
  7. He's at the entrance to the subterranean Sleestak lair in Antarctica?
  8. http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/377718-president-trump-hits-global-reset-button-from-paris-to-pyongyang
  9. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-pardons-kristian-saucier-former-sailor-jailed-for-submarine-pictures/article/2651195 Pardoning that guy is just as crooked and politically tainted as Hiliary's get out of jail free card
  10. Awwww look at the doggie! He's so cute! I wanna pet him!
  11. Should the descendants of fallen Union soldiers be paid reparations by the descendants of the slaves they died to free?
  12. Took both my answers So I'll adjust 1. Sometimes you've got to give some head to get ahead 2. She's working Laurel Hill Cemetery for the last 10 years
  13. I don't know how many optometrists there are here. We're Bills fans, which means most of us are pessimists
  14. Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize for the Israel/Egypt peace agreements. Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in his first year in office for his life long work of being not George W Bush. I wonder how the Nobel Peace Prize selection committee would treat Trump for denuclearizing North Korea?
  15. Looks like North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un (aka Fatty the Third) has extended the olive branch for a face to face meeting with US President Donald Trump. It will be interesting to see how the MSM reacts to this. They fawned over candidate Obama in 2007 for saying he would be open to meeting with the dictators of nations such as Iran and North Korea. That said, I would decline such an invitation. NK should remain an international pariah until they have taken steps to reverse decades of abysmal human rights violations.
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