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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Since BBMB shut down Why? Your whack job was grandfathered in before the flood of refugees from BBMB
  2. A millionaire banging playmates or porn stars is not a new occurence. The outrage is that a Republican would get away with it. Meanwhile a 50 something year old boss playing around with a 20 year old intern was joked away. If this happened to a Republican today there would be hashtags and pouty faced celebrities holding up signs on Twitter
  3. No silly, Hitler died in Argentina. It was on the History Channel, so it has to be true
  4. Back in my day we were allowed to go outside and play. It was pretty much expected. We either walked back and forth to school or the school bus stop. There was no front door school bus service. You walked to the bus stop and waited. If you missed the bus you walked We played football and hockey in the street and ran around with toy guns that looked real. We got on our bikes and rode off to who knows where and were always home for dinner or curfew
  5. Don't forget the level 350 democracies run by the Loch Ness Monster Yeah but only because the Russians hacked the election so Trump could get two scoops of ice cream. #istandwithrand
  6. Remember the outrage of the White Nationalist accused of sexual misconduct? https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/pbs-details-tavis-smileys-alleged-sexual-misconduct-countersuit-1096648
  7. Because Hiliary Clinton was such an honest and trustworthy candidate that never lied or cheated
  8. Clinton is the gold standard Before Clinton peccadilloes were held to one standard During the Clinton administration those peccadilloes were re-explained Don't hate Republicans for holding Trump to the same standards as Clinton
  9. I've taken a few pics that might not be all bad, but mostly bad
  10. I wonder how much of Trump's hardened base. Knows what Omnibus means Could spell Omnibus Or would just wait for the next bus
  11. The two biggest problems with Controlling the Narrative are: Who is allowed to speak Who is allowed to listen
  12. My first impression was this thread was for pictures taken by the poster If this thread is open to pictures taken by others and sent to TSW members, I suggest marking this thread NSFW before boyst or I add contributions. Even then, there may be a need to tag NSFW
  13. A coworker and I were riding back from lunch awhile back and he mentioned a new BBQ place had opened up near his home, Mission BBQ. A few minutes later I whipped out my phone and got the first two letters in mi which auto predicted Mission BBQ. A restaurant that was not in the general part of town that I was currently in nor near where my house is. You probably get lots of predictive text for alcohol, smoking products, and rehab
  14. He went there and came back with a #MAGA hat to prove it
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