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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Even the TDS crew gotta admit that was nicely done. They may not like the star of the show, but whoever put that together got skills.
  2. Won't happen. Iranian "journalists" were actual journalists performing their job under duress CNN "journalists" are activists with a chyron and a blue check mark
  3. I wonder how much longer until the EU starts demanding member countries remove offensive "nationalist" statues like Nelson's Column
  4. And on a related note, today is Microsoft's "Patch Tuesday". Included in this month's updates is rumored to be a major patch to Windows core cryptographic to fix a vulnerability that has apparently been around for about 20 years. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/01/cryptic-rumblings-ahead-of-first-2020-patch-tuesday/ So yeah, you might want to keep your version of Windows updated
  5. If ESPN MNF wants to be the marquee game again, they will have to break from parent Disneys corporate media culture of defining a narrative and basing coverage around The Narrative.
  6. Dude looks like somebody in a crowd shot from 70s Skynrd concert
  7. JP Losman Trent Edwards EJ Manuel Kyle Orton Nate Peterman Kelly Holcomb Ryan Fitzpatrick Shall I continue?
  8. President comes out for the national anthem and yinz cant contain your TDS. Sad and funny at the same time
  9. I'll take that bet. Tigers gonna lose, I guarantee it
  10. Yes. And now all restaurants are Taco Bell
  11. Riddle me this Batman. Why is Disney broadcasting the game on ESPN but not on ABC? Gotta figure the ad revenue from the CFP Final is gonna be alot higher on broadcast ABC than The Bachelor or The Whiny Little Doctor
  12. while we're screaming at each other about which bathroom to pee in, we're not paying attention to the things that unite us
  13. Because Democrat Senators are paragons of virtue and impartiality. Oh, and #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad #orangemanbad
  14. It's not that she's 50, Greta is a time traveler sent to save us from ourselves. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/22/greta-thunberg-time-traveller-1891-photo
  15. I hope Romo gets paid but to stay at CBS ESPN MNF as whole is the worst NFL broadcast. Not just the announcers, the complete product. The whole Disney production is so far below the quality of CBS, Fox, and NBC.
  16. I'm not a baseball guy, but from an outsider this looks like it's on the shady scale somewhere below Belichek but above Clinton
  17. Period. The End. I'm just saying
  18. Ad blockers and anti-malware are important, but so are operating system updates and patches. And at some point your Ad Blocker / Anti-Malware software may stop supporting Windows 7
  19. Not until he has done to him what he intended to do to the 14 year old boy. Several times Without lube
  20. Browsing the web is the riskiest thing you can use a computer for. Even "safe" sites like TSW and Youtube can be compromised by a vulnerability in the underlying software, 3rd party ads or cookies
  21. Reminder that tomorrow, January 14th 2020, Windows 7 reaches it's end of life. Unless you are paying Microsoft an exorbitant amount of cash to provide updates, you will no longer receive software or security updates Time to upgrade to Windows 10 or give Linux a try
  22. The Trump campaign should run that in commercials in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan
  23. So Activist-A serves as a delegate to a UN organization, and Activist-A is writing content for Activist-B to lobby the organization which Activist-A sits? Collusion anyone?
  24. Another browser to consider is Chromium, an open source browser upon which Google built Chrome, Brave is based on, and Microsoft used to rebuild Edge
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