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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. https://apnews.com/55a6d138a0f34c7b8838036441241ca4/House's-Steny-Hoyer-takes-a-last-shot-at-the-top-spot
  2. Youtube has declared a pair of outspoken African American women unsafe to the community http://www.theamericanmirror.com/facebook-penalizes-pro-trump-diamond-silk-deems-duo-unsafe-to-the-community/
  3. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2018/04/07/fire-at-trump-tower/ 1 man dead Cue the conspiracy theories
  4. I fart in your draft simulators general direction. the draft simulator's mother was a hamster and it's father smelt of elderberries. now go away or i shall mock your draft simulator a second time
  5. We were told the recession ended in 2009 and were blessed with Green Shoots, a Summer of Recovery, Summer of Recovery 2.0, Summer of Recovery 3.0, and beyond So why did the Obama administration continue to advocate borrowing and spending?
  6. How this is new to the Trump years? Amazing how all that borrowing and spending of the Obama years was heralded as brilliant policy but as soon as a Republican becomes President the Democrats want to exercise fiscal restraint. And conversely how the former fiscal hawk Republicans are suddenly open to spending
  7. Have you ever recouped your investment on the purchase of several pallets of Tom Petty's Greatest Hits CDs?
  8. I'm not sure "Re-education Camps" qualify as a party
  9. The end goal with immigration should be to attract productive contributors, not to reward consumers of public services in the hope that in a generation or two or three their offspring might be productive
  10. Google Solyndra and then explain how Trump's EPA is selling out any more so than Obama's
  11. Well duh. They're semi-automatic self-loading high capacity assault magazine clips
  12. https://www.pressconnects.com/story/sports/baseball/minors/2018/04/05/tebow-baseball-home-run-first-bat/491714002/
  13. Not only did you just go full retard, but you bought a T-Shirt, sent a post card, and earned a free night on your trip
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